Continuing the list from the first post
- Check the server status page
Supported countries and territories.
Also see ChatGPT disabled for users in Italy -
If you need help with your account, payment, etc, please visit
- At the bottom right on is a message icon.
Click the icon then enter a message. My understanding is that you will be asked for an email address then the OpenAI staff will contact you via email. I hear it can take weeks before being contacted but remember that this is one of the fastest growing apps ever, please be patient.
- Please DO NOT SHARE personal information (email, credit card, etc) or account related details publicly.
- Asking account related questions in this forum can often create more confusion for the community than provide assistance.
- The account for API models, AKA playground, ( does not include ChatGPT Plus. ChatGPT Plus is a separate monthly billing and requires a separate signup. (
- At the bottom right on is a message icon.
Error code: 1020 has a few topics already discussing the error, no need to start a new topic.
Read all of the OpenAI documentation first even if it may not seem to apply to what you are doing as some information may be in one section that has meaning in another.
This Discourse forum has built-in search, in the upper right click
. Please search for a similar topic before posting as many post on this site are very similar and often include the needed information in the topic.
If you don’t want to search the topics before posting at least check
The OpenAI Developer Advocate Logan Kilpatrick does post here, here is a list of his replies and on Twitter.
This topic Read this before posting a new question is not for introducing yourself, saying hi, etc. for that use the OpenAI Discord introductions channel.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
see this
- The OpenAI Cookbook (a GitHub repository) shares example code for accomplishing common tasks with the OpenAI API.
ChatGPT Web Interface (not ChatGPT API)
- ChatGPT does not do math or any other form of evaluations. Please read any of the many post talking about math. Update 02/24/2023 ChatGPT now allows plugins such as a Wolfram Alpha plugin, so this is not so much of an issue. Note at present plugins are accessible only for selected users, there is a waitlist.
- ChatGPT often hallucinates, especially for references for research such as papers and DOI.
- ChatGPT is a research preview and that conversations should be saved independently of the site. Do not take for granted that conversations in the left menu will always be there. (ref)
- If ChatGPT stops before a answer (completion) is done just ask it to continue. (ref 1) (ref 2)
- If ChatGPT often replies with “Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.” then consider upgrading to ChatGPT Plus. (ref)
- If using ChatGPT with Chrome and the page is not correctly presented/formatted try Ctrl+F5
- After several minutes of inactivity on a page the connection to the server will timeout. If you have not interacted with the page lately then click the browsers refresh button
, do not use F5, to reestablish a connection. This will often update errors and messages.
- ChatGPT release notes. The link is also in the footer of the ChatGPT page.
This Discourse site
- Discourse sites use Askimet to detect spam. If you are a new user and paste in a message then click send it will most likely get flagged by Askimet as spam because it was entered to quickly and considered spam that was generated and not typed in by hand.
- Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
- Trust Level Permissions Table (inc Moderator Roles)
- Understanding user statuses, roles, and permissions
- Terms of service
- Privacy statement
Giving thanks
A better way to say thanks than to create a reply is to click the heartat the bottom of a reply.
This tells the person that you liked the reply without requiring the person to read another post.
It also shows others that
- the reply is useful
- this person is giving useful information
Hearts are like the currency of Discourse forums. While you can’t actually spend them they do count toward maintaining trust level 3, so please consider clicking a heart when giving thanks.
Creating links (New user - Trust Level 0)
New users do not have the ability to post links on this Discourse forum. Yes most Discourse forums allow new users to post links but this site was configured to disallow that.
It takes about 12 minutes to get to Trust Level 1 which does allow a user to post links on this Discourse forum. -
To get from Trust Level 0 (New user) to Trust Level 1 (Basic user)
- Entering at least 5 topics
- Reading at least 30 posts
- Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts
- There is a waitlist - ChatGPT plugins waitlist.
- My understanding is that on June 16, 2023 all those with ChatGPT plus and on the waitlist were given the ability to install plugins and granted the developer options; regular ChatGPT users are still granted access from the waitlist. Those joining Plus and/or signing up for the waitlist after June 16, 2023 still have to wait on the waitlist. (ref)
- Those with ChatGPT plugin developer access seeking developer access for their colleagues will still have to have their colleagues join the waitlist. (ref)
- Post on this site as feedback for ChatGPT plugins will most likely not be seen by OpenAI staff. Logan has posted this which directs to his Twitter account.
Plugin developer experience improvements, feedback needed!
ChatGPT Plugin development
- When developing plugins it seems that Google Chrome is the prefered browser to use. See: “Failed to fetch localhost manifest” error even though I can manually pull it up
- These topics are also worth reading:
- Localhost Dev Plugins not working any more?
- Don’t see Web Browsing option - ChatGPT Plus
- Develop your own plugin vs install unverified plugin - Very confusing - #2 by kevinpiac
- How to optimise API specs for plugins
- Beta Tester Matching: Community Project for Helping one Another Beta Test
- Plugin developer experience improvements, feedback needed!
- Unofficial list of ChatGPT plugins both official and unofficial (unverified), for those with access.
ChatGPT plugins lists (Click triangle to expand)
GitHub - sisbell/chatgpt-plugins: ChatGPT Plugin Examples
Futurepedia | ChatGPT Plugins List