Welcome to the forum I gave you a like Preview button is not create button all that does is combine left frame create configure with right frame preview. Preview will not change a gpt like create.
I was trying to edit one of many custom GPTs created over a span of multiple months - and the GPT builder option has vanished into thin air ! All I see is the configure option and the preview option on the side ! To give context - I used to edit and finetune the GPTs a lot! We use it daily in our workplace - for serving our healthcare marketing clients. We have around 75 GPTs configured on one account - it would be a huge loss if I lost the editing privileges of the customGPTs! But interestingly - my colleagues who use the same account are facing no problems ? We all work from the same office
I’m experiencing the same issue. I’m more curious about who hasn’t encountered this situation. Could it be that they’re planning to gradually phase out GPTs? OpenAI hardly announces anything these days, no matter what happens.
Why do you say you can’t customize it? That’s exactly what the configure page does, too. You just have to do it a bit more manually. Create was just simplifying it for people who don’t know how to prompt engineer at all, but it wasn’t better than straight configuring. It was just the easy way out.