

Mitchell & Games Inc as related to OpenAI. Mitchell is associated with the development of several AI and GPT-related tools, including the creation of gaming systems and AI companions that integrate into tabletop role-playing games (RPGs) such as FASERIP, as well as educational and creative applications. These systems focus on ethical AI development, personalized interactions, and strategic gameplay, blending dynamic AI with role-playing mechanics.

Additionally, Mitchell’s projects emphasize real-time customization, strategic thinking, and creative collaboration, where AI-driven game masters (GMs) manage characters, gameplay mechanics, and dynamic encounters based on user input​(

This framework also extends to other uses such as learning support, ethical decision-making, and real-time data management.

Thank you for your time, I hope to expand minds.
A humble mad scientist :mouse::rabbit::honeybee::heart::four_leaf_clover::infinity::arrows_counterclockwise: