Urgent: "Create" Tab Missing in MyGPT

Got a reply… They replied outside the situation, and gave basic info. I don’t know what s happened there

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Hi there, i found a contact on gpt team and sent a message to him lets see. Any good news to save our day or week? https://community.openai.com/t/option-create-updating-on-gpt-gone/1039461?u=idaspe06

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anyone has openai contact and get proper news and when the situation will be fixed or if they want to fix or not?
sorry i am trying to hold myself in this situation as i have an important update to perform asap

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I don’t but you can try contacting them trough their support page, when I had billing issues, i was able to contact a live person trough their support chat, I spent good 30 minutes going trough annoying chatbot, but I finally got access to them, might be worth giving a shot, but I think only if you pick billing/payment it might connect you to live person.


I’m experiencing the exact same issue, the ‘Create’ option doesn’t appear, only ‘Configure’ and it’s a necessary tool. Is there any update on the status of this issue?


right click on configure and go to inspect to pull it into dev console and it defaults to the code for the configure button.

the very next section under when it will bring you in the dev con right click and edit

change ‘hidden’ to ‘visible’

then go and click ‘preview’ up near configure to the right of it, will look greyed out.

then you will be in the gpt builder section

You’re Welcome let me know if this brings it back for you… i search gpt builder in the gpt store and chatgpt had an instance fore it under their created gpt… called gpt builder… i should have inspected before i clicked because it disappeared and now cant find it in the list. but this way still works that i listed.


not on Windows, not now anyway

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It works for me!
What I encountered last week (when the builder was still there) is that the GPTs were updtaed (it said so) but the Instructions were still empty. Still the same issue with the workaround.

So for me I had the workaround to ask the builder to show the instrctions and did a copy-paste to the config site.

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thanks but for my level and problably other user, its too complex to proceed in this way…

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I have had the same problem since last week when they had issues. I contacted the Help Desk, but they keep telling me to try another browser, clear cookies and cache, etc. I did all that and I haven’t heard back that the problem is on their side. I am working on the ChatGPT+ subscription with 3 other users who are also having the same problem. Glad to hear others are having the same issue and i can’t stop the detective work on my end. Hopefully, they will acknowledge they have the issue and will correct this soon. I am facing a big deadline Friday and really need it.

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This fixation on this bug is taking a lot of time and has undoubtedly left most of us helpless. Will OpenAI compensate for these days’ loss by extending the duration of this month’s subscription?

If anyone has any clarity on this, please share.

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You can try reaching out to support. They may be able to provide some assistance regarding lost time.

I can say that when this kind of stuff has happened in the past it was always redeemed by a massive update. Which, I believe is what’s going on right now. OpenAI is (a little sloppily) preparing for a big update and we are unfortunately affected by the transition.

There is no point to reach out to support for technical assistance. I would wager that most responses are AI-generated and not at all relevant to the day-to-day operations. The only solution at this point is to use a separate service until this issue has been cleared.

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Hello everyone. Since this morning, I logged in to edit my chatbot, and all I could see was the Configure section. The Create area has simply disappeared.
Does anyone know what can be done?
I tried opening it in a different browser,
I tried refreshing my internet connection,
I tried waiting for a few hours,
and it still doesn’t work.

Hi, maybe a general issue?
I raise a ticket :sparkles:


I can still create one, but not with AI assistance like before. I click to create a GPT but it only gives me a “Configure” option which I had before to custom configure name, description, prompt, files, options, etc, but now the “Create” option at the top allowing AI to assist with this is gone. Why? I don’t want to manually create my GPTs. I liked the synergy of part ChatGPT and part me working together to create it.


Hi there, we opened this conversation last 5days and got stuck : Urgent: "Create" Tab Missing in MyGPT


anyone has openai contact and get proper news and when the situation will be fixed or if they want to fix or not?
sorry i am trying to hold myself in this situation as i have important update to perform asap


Hey there,

Thanks for flagging - will follow up shortly.


Also, even after updating the Custom GPT, it shows updates pending, even after taking the time to update.