Error: "An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help."

Hi on every search engine for example Google Chrome, FIrefox, Opera etc … on my PC I have been experiencing problems for many days with this error: “An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.” , on other devices like my phone, other home PCs everything is fine on my PC no. I also tried resetting cookies, accessing the site, etc. but nothing, help me


I have been having the same issue, hope someone can give any solution


Same situation for me, if anyone knows a solution or is having the same issue, please comment so we can get some movement on this issue.

Here is another thread with the same issue.


I also get same message
An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at

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You can actually mozilla firefox browser, it would work fine


Same issue on my end. it’s been like this for the past 3 days

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Same issue for me. Any suggestions?

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Thanks, Mozilla works well despite chrome.

yep me too… Im using chrome, it was working fine about 5 days ago

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Same here - worked on mobile device but not Work PC. Has been working well before the Christmas break

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Hi Guys… I’ve had the same trouble since last week… I’ve been using google chrome… However today I’ve tested again with Firefox, and with this browser chatGPT is working fine… Apparently there is a trobule or incompatibility with google Chrome.

With google chrome I did clean the cookies but the trouble persists…

My suggestions is to use firefox meanwhile the trouble with google chrome to be solved.

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Firefox also started to prompt the same error message for me.

More ore less same here. Tried on Chrome and Edge. The chat history on the left is very slooow to load. And for every answered prompt, I get the next one a error. Strange…

As far as the Chat GPT website is concerned… I have been told (on OpenAI Discord) that this is a problem related somehow to CloudFlare protected websites. Apparently, and this depends heavily on a bunch of server-side settings that we as clients can do nothing about, CloudFlare now sees something in your network and/or browser configuration that it does not trust… and may never again.

For some, a simple switch of browsers (e.g. from Chrome to Firefox) will bypass the problem. For others, like myself, nothing seems to work.

Sadly, CloudFlare has no appeals or help process for end-users, only for their server clients, and they do not seem to know or want to acknowledge that there is a problem on their end.

A complete factory reset of your computer and re-install of your operating system MIGHT do the trick. MIGHT not.

As to this error message showing up on other sites… that, I have no clue on.

For now, I just have to access Chat GPT via the browser on my phone.



A quick follow-up in case this helps anyone… My problems started (on two different computers) the moment that I had to install (for work) Cisco’s AnyConnect Enterprise VPN software. From the moment it was installed - even when not running - I have been running afoul of CloudFlare protected websites, including Chat GPT.

Sadly, even uninstalling AnyConnect and resetting all of my network connection did exactly nothing. It seems that once the ‘damage’ is done, it cannot be easily undone.

Anyway, I hope that helps.

Best again,



I use Chrome on a Windows PC - same issue here. No matter what question I ask - even the ones presented by the site as examples - I get that same error. Hopefully there’ll be a fix for us soon.

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I, too, am having this issue. It persists for Chrome and Edge. I’m unable to download Firefox on an enterprise computer.

Same problem here, works on my phone though.

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I just refresh my screen in google chrome, Seems fine now

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Same problem here, using Edge.

I had the issue, but disabling my VPN allowed access.

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