ChatGPT Team Subscription Feature Requests

Hi folks,

Two days ago, I created this post to ask if there were any plans to give Sora credits to Team subscription members.

I seem to have uncovered that many Team subscribers are displeased across a variety of topics. This led me to think it would be productive to create a new thread to enable folks to discuss what could be better about the Team subscription.

For my organization and myself, the most significant pain point with our Team subscriptions is the lack of invitation control, with all permissions levels able to invite new users without oversight and with immediate billing consequences, discussed here, here, here, here, and here.

Securing our company Team workspace with any form of invitation control would make us happy customers and enable me to recommend the Team subscription to organizations with less than 150 people through my AI Enablement consultant business.

More recently, not getting access to Sora on launch (perhaps we will get credits later) has re-awakened the feeling that the Team subscription is not for OpenAI’s most beloved.

With eight more days left of Shipmas, I am optimistic that those of us on Teams will get something we’ve been wishing for this year.

Please use this thread to discuss what would make us happy as Team subscribers. I believe OpenAI reads these forums, so let’s make a list that will be useful for them.


My team Shares these frustrations and we feel like we have no choice but to continue with teams in order to maintain our data and GPTs. #ScamAI


My concern is that OpenAI doesn’t care. I think in the other thread you showed the original screenshot which showed that us Teams subscribers had “Everything that Plus Has”, but they edited it out (snakes).

I’m hoping it’s an internal oversight, but that seems very deliberate. I was fine paying a higher cost for Teams, but refuse to pay the inflated cost of Pro. They have until late January to figure this out before I elect not to renew my sub. It’ll suck, but we’ll go back to free before I give them another dime if this is how they treat early adopters and subscribers.


Adding my support for adding Sora credits to Teams users. It’s frustrating that we don’t have this access when we pay $5 more per month than Plus users. If it has to do with getting usage data to further refine Sora then that makes sense since usage in Teams plans isn’t used for training but at least tell us that and give us a realistic (and ideally short) time frame on when you plan to let us participate in the fun too!


Thanks for creating this post. I really think what OpenAI is doing here is ripping off customers. As can be seen in your prior post, the team license “includes everything from Plus”. This was obviously changed but this is really a bad move! In this case the team license received a severe downgrade. This is really a reason to switch to another service provider.

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Adding a new reply here to say that it looks like OpenAI added Sora credits to the Teams subscription as of this morning. I was able to create my username and generate videos!

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Team subscriptions now get Sora credits.