Why am I still free tier?

I have spent > 5$ two days ago, contacted support (no answer yet), spent more now to get my current balance > 5$ and I am still not upgraded to tier 1 (which I need for RPM and RPD and anyone should have who uses the API, because 5$ is the minimum). Have I missed something?

Hey @cjknero, Gokul here from OpenAI. Just checking in—are you still experiencing issues with the Tier 1 upgrade? Can you check now and confirm?


Update: This is a bug, we’ve identified the root cause, and it should be fixed soon. If you’re still experiencing the issue after the end of the week, feel free to DM me!


No, the issue has been fixed and thanks for checking in!

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Is this a global issue you’ve fixed for all accounts? Or just for the user who asked? I purchased over $5 over a week ago, and I’m still on the free tier.

They have resolved the issue moving forward and are working through the backlog of accounts that haven’t been properly upgraded to the next tier.

If your account hasn’t been upgraded by the end of the week, please post an update here.


Got it - thanks for the clarification!


Hello community! Thanks for raising this and for the team looking into this issue!

I too am experiencing this. I have topped up my account with $12 a couple of weeks back yet I’m still on the free tier. I’d appreciate the help or having this issue resolved on my account as well.

Thanks a lot and have a great one!

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Hi! Im having the same issue. I paid 6 dollars but my account still on free tier

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Hi :slight_smile:
I upgraded my account to tier 1 by adding 6$ and got RateLimitError: Error code: 429 with the first request!

I tried Error Rate solution but not work for me.

Any help, please? I need to submit my project soon :sweat_smile:

Question: Did you purchase the credits before or after Thursday? I am asking to confirm whether this is still the original issue or if your account hasn’t been upgraded yet after the fix was deployed.

I bought the credits on 25 August.

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For anybody still having an issue with their account not being upgraded to a higher tier please refer to this post:

If you are a new user and cannot send private messages yet, then post here.

Credits bought on 26 Aug, still having the issue. (new community user here, cannot send PMs).
Thanks :+1:

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I added money to a new account yesterday morning and am seeing this issue.


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Hey team, still not resolved here unfortunately. I’m assuming I’m still in the backlog, appreciate the team looking into this!

I’m wondering, if I add some more credit to my account, will I be bumped up the next tier then?

Thanks again!

Hi, I’m not able to send PMs yet, but I bought credits Aug 28 and I’m still Free tier.


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This should’ve been resolved. Could you confirm?


You should be in the correct tier too. Please confirm


Hi! I’m also experience the free tier bug. I’ve bought 5$+tax (6.05$ in total) on 22 Aug but i’m still a free tier user :confused:

Thanks in advice!