Unable to log into ChatGPT online!

Yes I have to since 3 to 4 days facing this issue I login on chay GPt but unable to ues it means I can’t get answer of my work I’m worrying

maybe they are working on it to solve this problem.

Not working yet… Getting the same msg " Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version"

Hey Guys this Umesh Form India form today’s mornig this errer code showing “Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version” will any one please tell me why this happing.

Same here. I am a paid UK subscriber. Why nobody from chatgpt is coming forward to help?

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Same here. Hungarian Paid subscriber.
I would like to see ChatGPT resolve this.

Yesterday it worked but now It’s blocked again. Same message, Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. [ChatGPT August 3 Version]

Same here, location: Switzerland and paid user as well. And all status operational… please help

I have the same problems over here to.
location: Netherlands

I also have the same issue with same situation and I can’t login at my laptop as I can access through my iPhone… location: Japan

Hi welcome to the community, might be the reason is Traffic Overload on ChatGPT, you can wait for some time.

Same problem, It worked fine this morning

OK, will wait for moment! Thanks

Same problem in Portugal : Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version

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cdn.oaistatic.com is a domain that was newly registered on September 18, 2023.
Because of its recent registration, web filters like Palo Alto categorize this as a newly-registered-domain, and it incurs a penalty period of 32 days.
Due to this categorization, access to 1 CSS file and 23 JS files are blocked.

If you visit the page cdn.oaistatic.com , you will be able to see the error message that appears.
It is possible that a web filter or ad blocker is preventing access to this domain, causing chat.openai.com not to display as it should.


I am experiencing the same issue as well, I am getting hte following error message:
" Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT August 3 Version". Anyone have any clue how to fix this or what the issue is? I have never seen this problem before, and on the open AI server status page it says no errors reported today so I am not sure if they are even aware of it, or if it is something entirely different. Any help will be greatly appreciated


Looks like cdn.oaistatic .com has been flagged as malicious (probably, as Kemon said, due to the low age of the domain) and is blocked in some web filters. I was able to make an exception in mine and everything loads fine.

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Isn’t working again, was running perfectly fine this morning now it’s not.

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sorry, I’m not sure I understand this. I saw the post from Kemon before, but what does this website “cdn.oaistatic. com” have to do with the chatgpt website? its a new domain that chatGPT is using to operate? how does this new domain affect the URL that we have been using to access it for all this time up until now? I don’t fully understand how all that works. Do you mind explaining the problem a bit more, as well as a possible solution? You don’t need to go into full details, but any quick explanation/solution would be super helpful and appreciated

I was able to solve this.

I checked my DNS logs and my filter was blocking requests to one domain “cdn.oaistatic.com”. After allowing that it works again. It is a brand new domain that was just registered a few days ago so I bet a lot of security filters are blocking it because of that and is considered suspicious.

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