Hi… um… I’ve been generating content on a plus plan since January 27th and just recently switch to generating content on a team subscription and all prompted content was removed. Is this normal?
I spent many long hours of creating hundreds of pieces of content, is there anyway to recover these? I thought I was getting an upgrade when switching to the team and instead this is absolutely crippling.
As per the documentation, these are like two different subscriptions. You will need to either keep it as two separate accounts, letting your old one go down to free from Plus.
Or transfer all your chats to Teams. But bear in mind that those chats cannot come out of Teams atm, they will always be linked to the organization.
No note it’s not a switch or an upgrade, but sold as a different, parallel service.
First, try logging out and logging in with (if you used diff emails) your other account
I read the FAQ, it doesn’t say anywhere that my content that I’ve generated would be removed, so I’m really confused why it was not migrated to the team account.
I did not use different emails, I merged my existing Plus into the Team.
I read that if I were to leave the Teams subscription and go back to plus, I would lose everything I created in the Team…
would I see the original chats from my plus account along with the images??
I do not, but I am likely migrating one of my accounts to teams within the next week. I’ll ensure there is some similar chat history for the amount when I do so I can test it.
There’s no reason why everything shouldn’t transfer.
So, to be clear, it sounds like you do now have your chat history, there’s just an issue with the images not loading, is that correct?
@anon22939549 The text chats did come over, but… the most important value are the unique images that are NOT visible. I spent every 2 hours of every day for the past 2.5 weeks prompting to get those exact images, my soul is crushed.
No offense Jake, but until someone else has had the experience of successfully migrating the same data types “images” from Plus to Teams I suggest keeping this thread open OR if the images do eventually populate I will be happy to share with the group.
There’s nothing you, I, or anyone else here can do to forcefully affect the migration process.
We could have 100 people come in and say their images migrated without issue or 100 come in and say theirs didn’t, the net effect would be the same—you have a problem with your images not being available, and nothing in anyone else’s experience is going to change that for you.
Currently, the only way to get assistance with amount issues, which this is, is by submitting a request for help through help.openai.com. There is literally no other way to get help.
You’ve done that. It’s in the system. Eventually someone will get back to you.
Either the images will become accessible to you on their own or they won’t.
I get that you’re frustrated, and understandably so, but keeping this topic open isn’t going to help you get your generated images back. There’s no magic incantation you can use to make them suddenly appear.
Is there some reason to keep this topic open which I’m missing?
I agree, my ticket is in the system and I’ll have to wait my turn.
I believe keeping this open will allow others to voice their experiences and determine if this is a more widespread issue. Once we know the solution this thread could act as great place to answer people’s questions and alleviate customer service until OpenAI eventually adds the solution to their documentation.
Has anyone else on this forum migrated from Plus to Teams successfully seeing their images on the other side?
@imagination I have the same issue. I went from Plus to Team and then merged. As you say there was no indication that my Dalle3 generations would not display properly. and yet they show ‘error loading image’. Did you manage to get this resolved in the end?
No I didn’t ever get it resolved and customer service left the case open, they probably put it in the spam queue. I never got my 850+ prompted images back. It crushed me, but I’m still paying for the service.
At least your other content made the migration. My migration lost everything. Important for this thread to be left open so others can report similar migration fails, as well as the apparent lack of support. I have yet to get anything more than a robo-confirmation that my email was received.
How long does it take for your text threads to at least show up I just had this happen to me today I migrated from ChatGPT plus to team and when I said that everything was gonna be and as soon as I press migrate, it erased everything that just happened today so I’m hoping that the text threads at least show up I’m praying
I now find myself in a similar position. Chose to migrate when I upgraded to the team account and now my threads are gone. Hoping they show up, but this really is a serious issue that I don’t see any evidence OpenAI is taking seriously. To provide migration as an option and not be prepared to support it properly is simply unethical.
I am also experiencing the same issue, which has yet to be resolved.
I sought assistance from customer support via the chat function, but despite our combined efforts, we were unable to resolve the issue.
It would appear that the requisite action is to merge the accounts in question via the “Settings” and “Data Controls” functions. However, upon establishing a new ChatGPT Team Account, it became evident that the option to merge accounts was not available.
I will provide further updates as the situation evolves.
For those attempting to contact customer support and not a chatbot, it is possible to select ‘Help’ from the bottom right corner of the help.openai.com-page. This will allow the user to navigate through the various predefined issues that can be inputted into the chat. To begin, open a new ‘Chat’ and select “ChatGPT” from the predefined options. Then select “Other” and select “Other” once more, and then indicate that the problem has not been resolved by selecting “No.” The final step is to select “Report a Bug or Errors,” which will finally prompt the appearance of a text field where the issue can be described in detail. If the issue is not successfully resolved, it can be escalated.
I’m will try that last comment’s attempt at a chat, but I also had the same issue, there are no data controls to merge data yet…this is extremely concern. I have also lost all my custom GPTs…
I also lost access to edit those custom GPTs. Only the ones I have publicly shared are still available, but the builder profile is wrong.
Thank you for reaching out to OpenAI support.
We understand that you’re still having trouble with transferring your data from your personal account to your teams subscription. We apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you. Have a pleasant day!
Upon further investigating, your data should be transferred already. Regarding your inquiry, please do Check Workspace Settings: Make sure you are logged into the correct workspace. You can switch between workspaces by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner and selecting the appropriate workspace from the list. For more details, see how to switch workspaces. It might be the reason on why you can’t access your data as you’re still in your personal workspace.
We hope this helps. Should you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help you. Have a pleasant day!
So I tried it and still do not see what I need to see.
I was able to downgrade from ChatGPT Teams to my ChatGPT Plus account with the assistance of customer support via the Chat on help.openai.com. This allowed me to retain all my Conversations and GPTs.
I was informed by customer support that should I wish to update to ChatGPT Teams again, I can currently export my Conversations manually from my ChatGPT Plus account and then use this export file to import it into my ChatGPT Teams account. However, this procedure does not allow for the export and import of GPTs from the ChatGPT Plus account.
I am very pleased to have my conversations restored, but I am reluctant to attempt the upgrade to ChatGPT Teams again. I intend to wait until the feature is available to integrate my conversations and GPTs as part of the standard merging process from Plus to Teams.