Switching from Plus to Team, All Chat Generations GONE. Help. Please

Is downgrading from Team to Plus the only option to restore chats?

I’m wondering about this too, and ability to EXPORT chats (which is missing from Teams). Can this behavior please be clarified?

I upgraded my account from Plus to Team and I also lost all my GPTs. And I don’t know how to create a ticket to OpenAI. Any Help? Did any of you recovered your GPTs?

I just had this issue. I had a personal Plus account with hundreds of extremely detailed chats from May '24 through Dec 12, '24. In the process of migrating my chats from my personal account to my Teams account, I was prompted with an alert that said all my chats would be migrated, but after the migration, my personal account would be deleted along with any history and I would get a refund for the personal account. Well, the closing of my personal account and refund worked exactly as promised, but the chat history? Nope. Nada. Gonzo. I NEVER would have done this if I ever thought this was a risk. I have been emailing with support, which has given me some refresh and DNS Flushing suggestion, all of which have done nothing. The only advice I can give to anyone is DO NOT EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to migrate your personal account to a teams account, unless you plan to start over from scratch. No matter what assurances you are given that your personal account chat history will migrate to your Teams account, it will not.

I have chatgpt Team subscription and would like to move to ChatGPT plus but want to retain all my conversations. It sounds like you were able to do that . Can you please suggest what I should do.

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sorry for the late reply! i somehow didnt get any notification.

for me it was the only solution… i don’t know of another one.

for me the above given instructions worked, I haven‘t tried another way…

Thanks for getting back to me!

I am still not sure how. Is there an option in Team ChatGPT to switch to a Plus account? I didn’t see it. Did OpenAi team help in the process at the backend?

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there isn‘t an option per se to downgrade, that i know of, but you can get in touch with customer support and ask them to guide you through the process.

How did you do it?


Bela - customer support has not been much of a help. They keep saying it cannot be done. But apparently you were able to retain your conversations by downgrading from Teams to Plus account.

Can you please share how you were able to do it?

Thanks much,



I don’t think it is possible either.
One major selling point of the team subscription is the enhanced control over the data shared within the team.
If a team member could leave and take their conversations with them, it would allow the transfer of protected conversations outside the team. This is likely comparable to someone taking a copy of all emails from their previous company to their new one.

This becomes an issue when the team subscription is used by private individuals who primarily want higher rate limits for accessing the latest models.

It would be interesting to know if there’s a solution for this; otherwise, it might be worth considering as a feature request.

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Bela - you are right and I truly appreciate the response. As CTO of my company, I had purchased Teams subscription for 10 people in the company. I later left the company but company was letting me use the subscription even after I left. However now the subscription year is ending and I wanted to transfer my personal conversations out of that. Looks like there’s any chance of that, unfortunately.

Thanks for your continually responding to my emails.

