Files in custom GPT knowledge base disappeared

Dozens of files I uploaded to custom GPTs’ knowledge bases disappeared. These GPTs were in use for many months.
In some cases a couple of files remained, but the rest (up to 18) were gone.

AFAIK there’s no time limitation for the storage of files in the knowledge base of custom GPTs. I tried to restore older versions but the files wouldn’t re-appear.

Anyone had similar experience or know how to restore files from the knowledge base of GPTs?


I reported here, but there is no reply from any OpenAI staff, although many staff visit here everyday., they reply mostly problem about API, but not about ChatGPT.

Even OpenAI own GPTs have problem.


I’m facing the exact same issue. This is incredibly frustrating. Do I upload the files all over again or will they be returned to my custom GPTs?

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I wish I knew. In some GPTs I don’t document the files I uploaded, so the frustration is even bigger

I have exactly the same problem. I have two custom Gpt’s since a year. Now suddenly, all the files I’ve uploaded in their knowledge base have disappeared and all capability boxes are unchecked. Anyone knows why and how to prevent it?

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Same issue for me. I hope someone can offer an answer.