Custom GPTs: Knowledge files don't get persisted

I’m building a Custom GPT and had previously uploaded 6 different ‘knowledge’ files (PDFs / .html files ranging from 0-5MB each). When I checked today, however, there were no files in the GPT knowledge section.

I tried uploading 2 files again, but after the files were successfully uploaded to Knowledge, one of them disappeared mysteriously after I refreshed the page.

What’s going on behind the scenes here? My understanding was that Knowledge files are persisted, unlike files uploaded to specific chat sessions.



This is also happening to me. I’ve reloaded the files several times, and they keep randomly disappearing. It’s super frustrating as I’m actively working on a project I’ve structured around the Custome GPT I created.


Happened to me as well. I hope it is a bug which will be fixed soon


Same for me. Knowledge documents lost, then a whole GPT. I keep trying to upload docs, but like you said, they don’t persist.


same thing happening, knowledge files are dissapearing!

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Pretty sure there’s a per-file size limit and a total size limit.

Same. I also noticed that the Capability boxes get un-checked on my end when I leave editing mode and then go back in.


The files I am uploading is less than the per-file size limit stipulated here


Same thing happening to me. It randomly deletes files from existing GPTs. It will uncheck capabilities. Despite saving and publishing changes fine after upload or checking capabilities. This must be a bug, if it is not, then the system has become pretty much useless. I could just as well switch to other services, if all I am left with is the default chatGPT.


Same thing happening to me. Kept telling it to access it’s knowledge and it kept saying it had no idea what I was talking about. After a little back and forth I checked my GPT I spent days building and all the docs are gone and capabilities are unchecked. However my instructions are still there. Frustrating…


same here, my files keep disappearing and it wont it wont let me re-upload them.

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The same happened to me and I agree that without this feature system is a waste of time and money.

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Me too! Impacts responses saying that the files are not in the knowledge base.

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I think it is working for me now – currently testing


The same. I have tried to upload files, but they didn`t persist.

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I posted the same issue here and now realise it’s not just me.

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Someone needs to ban the above spammer (gifted19792020). They keep spamming messages and their responses are slowly becoming more convincing. I’ve reported some of the posts, without it being addressed. Can some of you please also report it as spam.

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My knowledge files of all the GPTS I’ve built has suddenly disappeared since yesterday. All of them are no longer present. What’s going on?

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My knowledge files also has suddenly disappeared. Some of them are no longer present. It appears random which files go missing. Two of them are simple text files that are not large at all. Frustrating.



The same issue is happening to me.
When I upload a document and save the GPT, everything seems OK, but later, randomly when I go back into configuration the document has disappeared from the knowledge base.
As a result, my GPT is no longer working properly, as there are many additional instructions in my knowledge base.

In the same way, the “DALL-E Image Generation” checkbox, which was checked, unchecked itself and I had great difficulty in checking it again. No matter how many times I checked and saved, as soon as I refreshed the page, the box was unchecked again.

Sometimes, even all 3 boxes (Web Browsing, DALL-E Image Generation, and Code Interpreter) would uncheck themselves.

I hope this is just a temporary glitch and that it will be fixed soon.

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