Today, I noticed that several of my custom GPTs were unable to generate images, perform web searches, or analyze files.
Upon inspection, I found that the capabilities for almost all of my GPTs were disabled, not just for one or two, but for the majority.
Out of the 22 GPTs in the DALL-E category that I checked, only 4 had their capabilities enabled, while the rest were disabled.
Same on my end.
Only a few had boxes unchecked and files forgotten.
I just checked others’ GPTs on GPT Store, and also many of them unchecked
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I moved it to community it looks like a lot of folks are going to have this issue, most in the shop have dalle web etc turned off
It cannot create a file. On its “About” page, Code Interpreter & Data Analysis is disable.
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Some of GPTs of OpenAI also not working.
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Another and more important issue is that “all knowledge files are deleted” from some GPTs.
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Yeah I have back ups of mine, but still off putting. IMO any setting change is an issue…
Yes mine as I said lost knowledge also.