Custom GPT not retaining knowledge base

I built a custom GPT by uploading a csv file and writing a very thorough and detailed set of prompts. The GPT worked great a few days ago. I just retested it and it can’t recall anything from the original instructions. This is very frustrating because I expected a custom GPT to persist. Has anyone else found a solution to this problem? There are people deploying Custom GPTs publicly and I can’t imagine they’re rebuilding them every three days.

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Hi @stevefall7 :wave:
Welcome :people_hugging: to the community!

I tested some of my custom GPTs that contain CSV files, and I found that they work accurately.

They might have been affected by high error rates for ChatGPT today, temporarily.
After the issue is fixed, I hope they will work again.

Thanks! I hope you’re right. I will try again tomorrow and see.

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Similar issue with at least one of my GPTs (I don’t want to test all of them because I’m afraid I’ll find out that all have the same problem).
I’m talking about one of my most popular GPTs (10K+ conversations and 4.3 rating):
Until mid december it was working great, following the instructions and the knowledge base files, one of which contained a layout for the GPT output.
When trying to use it last weekend, I found out that the GPT was not providing output accordingly to the knowledge base file, so I went to the editor to find out that the files were not there.
I don’t remember deleting them but still I’ve uploaded them again and updated the GPT.
When testing it again I found out that it was not using the correct layout so I went to the editor to find out, again, that the files are not there.
I recovered a past version that had the files but after updating it, the files are gone.
I’m still waiting for an answer from the support team.
I’ve made a copy of the GPT and uploaded the files just to find out that this one works great.

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Today I found out, that all my Custom GPT’s are having the same problem. All files deleted and the GPT’s are dumb like nuts. The whole team membership makes no sense to me, when we can’t work any longer with our Custom GPT’s. :eyes:


I have the same kind of problem. I just tried to make may first Marketin AI assistant with GPT builder. I worked for 4 days with reference files and updating them with GPT… until I undestand, at the end of the day, that files content are not updated and I lost hours and hours of chat updating…

When I ask for re-writing files based on our last chats, my GPT was not able to remember and proposed me new files content !!

When I asked for download all my reference files : it didn’t manage to find my 12 files and gave me 4 or 6 weblink to upload :scream: These links didn’t worked even if I asked for re-writing them. I verified one of the file content and I understood that was not my first or modified file content, like it just re-created a silmilar content :poop:

Luckily I have all initial file contents but I forgot to save modification all the day long… quite boring and fastidious.

I am very disapointed because I lost a lot of working hours and I wonder if I’m going on with GPT builder…
Have I to wait for GPT builder update or “more stable” version ?

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