Can't Upload Documents - "Unknown Error Occurred"

As of this morning, I am unable to upload any documents into ChatGPT. I am using 4o. I tried on both my team plan and personal plan and struck out for both. Worked fine yesterday, but today, not so much.

The spinning circle gets to about 75% then I get an “Unknown Error Occurred” error message. I tried loading in a spreadsheet and it worked fine, this relates to loading in any documents or PDFs.

This seems like a recurring problem for OpenAI, as it’s happened a few times over the last few weeks. Most of my workflows include documents so it’s extremely frustrating to say the least!

Any one else facing this same issue or found a workaround? I’m all ears as my productivity drops off a cliff without the ability to upload documents. Appreciate you all!


Similar. My uploads do seem to go over, I don’t get any error messages, but the AI claims it can’t see them, or access them. It worked yesterday.

Facing the same issue for last 3 days. any solution found ?

I have the same issue with a basic txt file of about 100kb in size. Did anyone else manage to get round this?

Same issue here. 2 MB plain text file.

I literally just faced the same issue with a 20kb txt file. Wouldn’t upload in Chrome so fired up the ChatGPT Desktop app (macOS) and tried in there instead - worked.


Same is happening for me. I even tried different filetypes but I keep getting this error for it every time.

Now the same issue is happening. This is unacceptable.

same issue. is it being addresses anyone?


yes, same issue happening now. another person suggested trying with a desktop app - didn’t work in my case. it says: “unable to index file” in desktop version.

Its ridiculous that the error is undocumented on OpenAI Status webpage! OPEN AI WHERE IS YOUR FOLLOW UP??

THis is urgent no one following up on this?

Same issue for me aswell, but only for certain pdf-documents. I tried printing to a new pdf-file, tried different filenames, no difference.

Workaround that seems to work for me: I uploaded my files in a zip-file and asked chatGPT to unzip and read.


Having same issue with json and txt file formats. Trying to get them into my CustomGPT, but not even the normal window works.

Tried everything from different browser, to clearing cookies, to using different accounts, to changing file formats. PDF and DOCX can upload, but destroy the GPT’s functionality so are effectively useless.

Sounds like this is getting more common, is Open AI on this?


Same problem here, now over a month unfixed?

I was experiencing this issue with one of my text files. Removed the copyright warning that was in the file, and it seemed to fix the issue for me. Look through you document and see if you have a copyright infringement warning similar to this:


Copyright © *******. All rights reserved.

This ***** is protected by United States and International copyright laws.
It is licensed to your business and may not be copied or distributed to any other third parties
without the prior written consent of *******.


I am having the same issues , any updates ??

I usually get around this by copy/pasting the text from the document or pdf right in the window. A bit less clean, but highly functional. Good luck!

I am Having the same issue I use 4o to upload documents so it can quiz me for tests in school and it keeps saying unknown error. I have tried restarting my computer, changing the wifi, and even logging back in and nothing has worked please fix this.