Can't upload PDFs to custom GPT creator

Hi, we’re testing the Team version, before we make decision for the enterprise.
After uploading PDFs few times while recording a demo for stakeholders all of a sudden I can’t do it again. There’s no information other than the file couldn’t be uploaded, no information of any limits or what caused the error.
Just a second ago I was able to upload these files without issues.
I checked other threads but there are no clear solutions (I don’t want to have code interpreting on that gpt - this was supposedly one of the solutions).
I would like actually OpenAI to address it, in other topics with this issue, there was no legit response from OpenAI, just community guessing. It doesn’t look good as a reliable business partner.
At least it helps us to find motivation to try AWS Q*


I cannot contribute a solution to your problem, but I would advise you not to hope to get an answer from OpenAI on this forum.

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I solved this by changing the file extension to .dat (instead of PDF). This bypasses the filter that prevents the pdf from uploading at all. From there, ask the Code Interpreter to extract content from the file. It worked. Spread the word! Lot’s of threads on this topic. Might be worth pinning as the inability to read a PDF is a big issue. Hopefully, openai fixes soon. Cheers!

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This needs to be fixed ASAP!

If it doesn’t go against your use case, you can try to disable and reenable code interpreter on your custom gpt.