I have created several CustomGPTs.
Only 2 currently appear in the LHS
When I click on Explore GPTs - My GPTs or Name (bottom left) - My GPTs
I see a blank screen/list.
Currently there isn’t a function to Search through your GPTs and they aren’t showing - so I cannot access my other GPTs (currently 2 are showing, have >5)
How can I Find and Access my other Custom GPTs, ASAP?
I have the same problem, I wrote a message to the support line and told them, but they didn’t take it or anything. He copied and pasted the nonsense again, delete the remedies, clear the cache or something.
exactly the same with me. They are only to be seen when I am going on search GPTs.
I am using a MacBook. If I am using my iPad with the same account, the GPTs are seen in the sidebar. Emptied Cache, restarted GPT, tried another browser – no difference