Blank page at the login of the chatgpt

This works perfectly, thank you so much! OpenAI should probably hire you

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It worked. Thank you so much!

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Hi, itā€™s several months later and itā€™s happening again to me. but the fix doesnā€™t seem to work.
Here is my login: chat . openai . com/ auth / login

I donā€™t see the ā€œauth . openai . comā€


I also have this problem. And it appeared after clearing cookies. Now I canā€™t use ChatGPT, the captcha ā€œConfirm that you are a humanā€ is followed by a white screen. There is no place to add ā€œ0ā€, OpenAI have changed the view of the link.


yep, same hereā€¦ an hour ago all went well :open_mouth:

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It happened to me too now. Cleared all cookies. Why is this acceptable? I pay for a Teams License. How am I supposed to operate a business with a service that is simply inaccessible?

happening to me too. it works on Mobile, but not my desktop with Chrome, or Edge. I cleared all cookies and I donā€™t see the ā€œauth . openai . comā€

White screen too after clean cookies ā€¦
Reboot nok,,edge nok ā€¦

I tried that but it just takes me to the home page of open ai. itā€™s chat . openai .com that isnā€™t working for me.

Has anyone figured out why this is happening?
Using Chrome; console error message: Refused to load the fontā€™ because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "font-src ā€˜selfā€™ data:

Iā€™ve cleared my cache and cookies, and I can sign in, but I canā€™t view the web application.
Note: I took out some of the URLā€™s because I would not be able to post on this forum.

I used Googleā€™s Gemini to try and diagnose the console error. This is what it stated (after telling me it is a language model and unable to assist me with this type of question).

Hereā€™s some additional information about the error message you provided:

  • The error indicates a Content Security Policy (CSP) violation. CSP is a security feature that restricts what scripts can run on a webpage.
  • In this case, the website (ChatGPT) is configured to only allow scripts from specific sources (listed in the error message).
  • Thereā€™s an inline script (written directly in the HTML) that the browser is trying to run, but itā€™s not authorized by the websiteā€™s CSP.

Unfortunately, this is an issue with the website itself and not something you can fix on your end. By contacting support or searching online forums, you might find out if itā€™s a known issue or if thereā€™s a workaround available.

My interpretation is that there was an update to the website/webpage and someone included a script directly into the HTML that violates OpenAIā€™s own CSP.

However, as we speak, I went back to the page to grab the source code from the site to attempt to identify the script, but now it is magically up and running.

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: 04/06/24 gpt-4 is not responding