Blank page at the login of the chatgpt

This started happening to me today.

I am using Vivaldi. All of a sudden, blank screen. But also on web version on my Android phone.

Now, it works in private-mode (incognito-mode), and it works in Edge, but not Chrome.

I deleted all browsing data, cookies cache. I even removed all my extensions - but no luck.

Yep, Same. Not paying for this tho, so I’ll wait for the fix. Even in incognito not working too… : - (

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If your URL after clicking Login or Signup Button is: “auth . openai . com…”, change it to “auth0 . openai . com…” and you can log in now.
I put there a space because it prevents posting this link as reply.


It worked for me, you are a life saver!


This solution was successful for me! I greatly appreciate it!

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Youre HIM, it worked for me thanks!!!

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Legend! Thank you SO much!! :heart:

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Wow… just wow… still a problem apparently…
The solution works perfect, but why havent this been fixed a long time ago?

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This worked immediately! Been troubleshooting with IT staff for 24 hours, and this was the fix. FYI, I have a separate laptop where there was no issue at all - it just auto-logged in like usual. I literally just upgraded the laptop to Win 11 while the PC with the issue is still Win 10, so I can’t say for sure if Win 11 fixed it or if there is something else different about the laptop.

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omg thank you so much! ur LEGEND

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It worked!!! Thank you very much!!!

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Wow - I have been SO annoyed over this. I am glad it was that simple. Almost can’t believe I didn’t see that, as it did work in Microsoft Edge, and now I see that it saus auth0 in that browser.

Haha, well - I wonder why Vivaldi just started using it without the 0. Still, thanks a bundle!

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thanks a lot! Hope u have great day :heart:

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Thanks a lot. I wish chat gpt itself can handle the issues as it a paid version


This worked for me as well… Thank you!


Awesome, my desktop PC worked fine on Mullvad, Chrome, Edge and Brave.

Since last night, my Laptop instead having issues with Chrome, Edge and Brave. Mullvad and FF working OK

I just tried adding the “0” and indeed it worked for me as well.

But the question is: WHY???



Thank you so much. it worked perfectly.

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It works now !! thank you so much!!! The problem is solved

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Thansk very much bro! Works :muscle:

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Thank you so much

It worked for me as well

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