Who's applying to Converge 2?

I’d send them an email to hello[at]openai.fund just to be sure.

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I just renewed my passport a week ago, but if I apply for a visa in my country I can expect a 6 month process.

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On top on checking the views on the video I’m checking if I have any traffic from that specific country on my website. The thing is I would be very happy if they would just view my pitch and website and nothing more. Good luck for you all and hopefully by the end of this month we will all have that 1 view on the video.


See Who's applying to Converge 2? - #31 by javqui above

BTW, if you just want a view, give us the link. I am sure many of us will oblige you with view :rofl: :joy: just kidding. Good luck!


lol, I already have 2 views from checking in incognito :smile:
BTW I if nothing happens to all of us I think we created a small community here and we can start working together.


As I mentioned previously, I’m quite confident about the many outstanding proposals for Converge 2. OpenAI reviewers will face a challenging task in making selections. The decision-making process involves so many factors that we might whimsically refer to it as being influenced by ‘luck’. The proposals most closely aligned with the reviewers at the moment of review stand a higher chance of success, like planets aligning for an ‘astrology AI’ decision.

Focusing solely on funding, and drawing from the recent CES 2024 experience, the Eureka Park hall at The Venetian expo showcased many innovative booths, most organized by country, similar to previous years. It’s highly likely that some participants from Converge 2 will be present at CES 2025 with their ideas. Numerous countries offer grants to support brilliant ideas, especially in the AI field. I can’t recall all of them, but some booths were from Italy, Israel, Hong Kong, South Korea, Ukraine (which had a cool booth), France (impressive as usual), Taiwan, Japan, the Netherlands, and, of course, the USA government (Sorry if I forgot one). Search for technology development grants in your specific country. One option in the USA is seedfund.nsf.gov.

Angel investors are another avenue; with a compelling pitch, you can advance your idea. They usually prefer to invest locally, so look within your country or state. For more developed projects, venture capitalists (VCs) are another potential source of funding.

There are more options out there. Converge 2 is an extraordinary and unique opportunity, not just for funding, but for gaining “support” from some of the brightest minds in the AI field.

Once again, good luck to everyone participating in Converge 2 and in their entrepreneurial endeavors

Disclaimer: The previous text is the result of 4 steps. 1- I wrote the message with my ideas, 2- ask ChatGPT4 for just grammar check, 3- edit the output to adjust some tones and remove vocabulary that definitively is out of my dictionary and then 4- post here. Is very useful and quick this way.


Saludos a los hispanohablantes. Tambien hablo/escribo español, Mucha suerte.


So I may have said this above but they likely received anywhere from 200 - 1000 applications and they likely have 3-4 people on their selection committee. That’s a lot of applications to review and videos to watch. They need to cut to the top 30-40 applicants and then schedule interviews with them. This is all going to take a few weeks.


Applied on Friday (deadline day) but haven’t had any views yet. I imagine they’ll do an initial cut just from the short descriptions. My app isn’t yet online so I didn’t include a website, but we have working code so I was able to give a quick demo in action in the video!

Super exciting and tbh just really good to have the extra kick to work hard on finishing an MVP this month. Good luck everyone!


Assuming 1000 applications, 4 reviewers, average review time per application: 2 min.
Assuming 3 reviewers watch the same application for a simple binary decision (pass / no pass) score system.
1000 applications * 120 seconds * 3 /4 reviewers= 25 hours.
at 6 hours per day, it will take roughly only 4 days with 4 reviewers to have the top applications with the highest scores (3 pass points).
Add help to review the team profiles from AI, and you should have a decent approach in one week.
Not too difficult to have a good approach the first review week.


शानदार, क्या आपने इसे भारतीय से स्पेनिश में अनुवाद किया? बहुत अच्छा काम, और अगर आपने उस गलती को पकड़ लिया तो आप वही हो सकते हैं जो सही व्याकरण और वाक्य-विन्यास का डेटाबेस बनाते हैं और उसमें एक GPT एजेंट जोड़ते हैं और धमाका, OpenAI GPT आपकी अनूठी दृष्टि और जीवन की बदौलत बेहतर हो गया, और यही मुझे AI के बारे में पसंद है।

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I’ve just got a view about 2 hours ago. :grimacing:
So, something is going on.


I am in the same boat most of you too! I submitted last Thursday, instantly received confirmation of my application and nothing since. The unknowns are so nerve-wracking.

What do you all think the selection criteria might involve? Reckon video length might be one of them? I’ve seen quite a few videos posted online that are >30 seconds.

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Yo creo que sobre pasar unos 3, 4 o 5 segundos el tiempo no seria un problema, incluso yo diría que no es tan determinante para ser seleccionado.

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Great! All the best to you @leeevi

May I know when had you submitted the application, please?



भारतीय नाम की कोई भाषा नहीं है। भारत में हमारी 22 आधिकारिक भाषाएँ हैं :slight_smile: । और मैंने अंग्रेजी से स्पेनिश में अनुवाद करने के लिए AI का उपयोग किया था। आपकी टिप्पणियों के लिए आभार। हां, हम भारत में गैर-अंग्रेजी भाषी लोगों तक कुछ तकनीकों को पहुंचाने के लिए अपने स्टार्टअप में एआई की शक्ति का उपयोग कर रहे हैं

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Likewise @itsvnk! :pray:t3:
I submitted it on Jan 26, 10:54 am (CET).


Now do that for around a million applications :smiley:


@Foxalabs lol
You sound like you know something that we don’t know.

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Interesting. Who knows. it’s possible. I will not discard something like that.
If you ask me about a big number, I will guess 100k. 10k could be a more reasonable range.

According with a basic search:

"As of 2024, there are approximately 70,000 AI companies worldwide.

  • About 1 in 4 AI companies are based in the US
  • Over 115 million companies currently use AI
  • About 2 in 5 (42%) companies are exploring the use of AI
  • Global AI funding grew by 7x between 2015 and 2019
  • In 2021, AI global funding doubled to $66.8 billion
  • A record 65 AI companies reached $1B+ valuations in 2021"

A million new ideas (applications) for openAI converge2 or just a thousand (as the previous comment), probably are out the range in my opinion.
Only 12-15 slots available. Pretty sure that more than 100 excellent ideas/proposals are on the table from whatever is the number of applications.
Good luck to everyone, including our team.

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