Where is GPT-4 API waiting list?

I can’t find the waitlist form on the page linked at How can I access GPT-4? | OpenAI Help Center. Is it supposed to be there?

Hello, to access GPT-4 API you need to have bought at least 50 cents of pre-paid credits. (Not including free trial)

hi, I have spend more than that in August, however I can not see any invoice in billing history. Is that because I have used " Pay as you go"?

I thought the system would bill us on the 2nd of the month. checked today still not …

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My payment is “Pay as you go”, IT is not in the form of credit. Do I need to change it to get access to GPT-4 API?

I have exactly the same question - I’m paying for the GPT Plus subscription and my billing shows “pay as you go”; there is no option to buy pre-paid credits. Do I need to cancel this subscription and change to pay-as-you-go to get GPT-4 API access?

You’ll likely need to incur billings to your payment method on file for your use of the API to be eligible for the next onboarding of new GPT-4 users, usage beyond a free trial.

If you’ve received a bill for August use over $1, that’s the qualification one would need to meet the criteria of the last two additions of new GPT-4 accounts.

I have used more than free $5 budget, but not sure why still I do not see any invoice in “billing history” section. Does it come with delay? One I have an invoice, GPT-4 API immediately will be available?

When I added my debit card detail, it did not show me option for prepaid plans. Mine is showing as “pay as you go” with hard limit of $120. Is this Okay or I need to cancel my payment plan and buy the prepaid ones?
The other problem I have is I can not see waitlist form at all, where is it?

They don’t waste their time billing an account balance if it is less than around fifty cents.

I have yet to receive an August bill myself, for usage where I also demonstrated scripting of how to generate such billing.


That just covers the basics. New additions and criteria for gpt-4 aren’t announced or blog-worthy, this is just meeting a prior criteria they used. They could turn around next time and say “we’ve added gpt-4-32k for all accounts with $20 or more in billings”.

Okay, but I have used more than $20 in August! I just want to see when GPT-4 API(8k) will be available for me!
When they usually provide billing for previous month?

Reference time frame: 26 days ago:

My BIG question is how to join the waitlist?

There is no more wait list. You would have gotten a rejection anyway if you hadn’t demonstrated the same “serious user” billing behavior. I expect the monthly considerations of new billings and resulting gpt-4 access to be ongoing.

That is odd, I would have thought that pay as you go would have worked for accessing GPT-4 API. Maybe you need to buy it in a individual payment?

OK, so let me see if I have this straight…

Someone above mentioned you could get GPT-4 API access if you pre-pay at least 50 cents. Is this correct?

If so, should I cancel my $20/month GPT Plus subscription altogether and then sign back up and pre-pay 50 cents? Does this somehow prove I’m more serious than spending $20/month?

ChatGPT plus is a consumer product, with subscription in a completely separate billing system. You already get GPT-4 access in the chatbot as one of the upgrades.

APIs use a completely different payment plan than ChatGPT. Different payment cards, different charge generation by use, credits and account balances, different web site domains, different purposes. For developers of consumer-facing applications.

If you are forced into a prepayment plan by never having the prior monthly billing system with card on file, the minimum credit purchase you can make is $5.

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Ah - thanks for clarifying, now I get it.

One final question then - and I think this was touched on earlier in this thread… I’ve had a credit card on file for a while and don’t see any option for prepaying. Is this because I was “grandfathered”? Do I need to cancel that payment method in order for prepayment to show up as an option?

In my opinion, the prepay system is limiting rather than liberating. To start, a maximum balance of $50.

Fine-tuning your own AI model might be limited to 50 million tokens, but now you can no longer pay for that anyway.

Some have gone through removing credit cards, cancelling the payment plan, and been able to then be offered the credit purchase (and get the instant gpt-4 access that a brand new account would, or the second account per phone number you could create). Others have been stuck without being able to get their credit card accepted, or the credits instantly consumed by their outstanding balance, locked out by the daily purchase limits, hit payment bugs in the new system, and their business taken offline.


OK thanks for the advice. I went ahead and just created a second account, prepaid $10 and voila, using an API key from that account I can now use GPT-4. Thanks again.


I am facing the same problem. I am a ChatGPT Plus subscriber and definitely used the APIs earlier in May. But now I get an error - “The model gpt-4 does not exist or you do not have access to it”. GPT-3.5 works fine. Any idea what might be going wrong?