Version history incorrect


I built a custom GPT to help deal with changing CLP-regulations. It’s a behemoth of a file (around 1600 pages), so as you can imagine it’s very handy to have a GPT that can serve as a workaround to get the right information quickly.

Latest update I had done was at december 4th, implementing the november 20th addendum. Today, my colleague isn’t getting the results she wants and lo and behold, most of the files that were in there have disappeared. Version history claims a lot of changes were made on january 10th, but that’s little over a week ago and I think I’d remember.

I really wish we could just reset it to the working version we had on december 4th, I’ve added some of the files back in and implemented a workaround.

Does anyone have similar experiences? Anything that can be done to prevent / undo this?

Hi @joukebyphoenix :wave:
Welcome :people_hugging: to the community!

I think there is bo reset option.

I have seen some problem since yesterday in custom GPTs there is problem.

Some of them don’t create images, some of them dont analyze files including OpenAI’s custom GPTs.

For example at the moment OpenAI’s own custom GPTs below, not only our GPTs:

Also you can read this topic.

Some of GPTs’ knowledge files are deleted.
Capibilities are unchecked in Editor page.

Please check in your GPT builder editor page.