cdn[.]oaistatic[.]com was flagged by some security features due to being a newly registered domain. Depending on your DNS provider/firewall, you may have to whitelist it. I personally use NextDNS and had to whitelist it via the portal.
This way works for me. Tried with allow domain oainstatic does not work. Location: Vietnam
We use Palo Alto as well, and I created a new URL category for cdn dot oaistatic dot com and then allowed it via a URL profile and can now load ChatGPT. Since that domain was created on Sep 18th or so, once we get to Oct 18th, it should not be marked as a newly registered domain name, and the URL category workaround shouldn’t be needed.
For anyone with FMC, the domain is incorrectly categorized as phishing, which for my deployment was being dropped.
Same issue. The content delivers network server is getting blocked.
The company VPN is blocking this server domain.
Is it possible to switch the CDN to a different fallback domain?
Summary created by AI.
The users on the forum are discussing issues they’ve been facing trying to access ChatGPT. The problem started with sqnssm, who was unable to login, an issue that other users from various locations corroborated, including Germany (hqer2k9), Dallas (mdksam64), Edmond (babubangla), Israel (dror.markus), and Portugal (ines.morais.vilaca).
Users noticed a different URL being used,
, causing some confusion. Intensive discussions shed light on this might being a Content Delivery Network (_j) and a newly registered domain causing an access block for some users (Kemon). Many users were confused about the role of this new domain, prompting for an extended explanation (christopher.orlowski). NotFenixio suggested disabling ad-blockers as a possible solution (NotFenixio).
Various troubleshooting approaches were suggested, such as checking if the new domain is being blocked due to a DNS issue, firewall software, or policies of the network provider. A possible fix suggested by _j was to use Cloudflare’s DNS server
and perform a DNS refresh (_j).
Users in organizations behind a firewall reported issues with the domain being classified as newly registered or blocked due to a security threat, they were recommended to request their IT teams whitelist the domain. (JayFromIT) In the case of OpenDNS use, mcclements suggested whitelisting the domain in the dashboard (mcclements).
Changing the DNS provider to Cloudflare was offered as a potentially useful method in cases of using Chrome or Edge browsers (jiachao). Despite the discussed potential solutions, frustration was evident, as users felt this issue should be resolved by the company behind ChatGPT (swichnv).
Summarized with AI on Nov 30 2023
AI used: gpt-4-32k