Unable to add payment method - Invalid postal code

I’m unable to add payment method as I keep getting an “Invalid postal code” error message.
I’m in Canada, so postal code format is A1A 1A1

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Having the same issue here. Wondering if there is a solution.

I just found a solution. Use zip code 90021

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Thank you, but I’m having the same issue here, I’m from Montreal and no matter if I use the montreal Zip Code 12345 or the Postal Code A1A 1A1 it’s not working for me.

Anyone in this case?


@Mim1r Have you moved from another place in the last couple of years? It sometime happen when your card register different address from where you currently live. Contact with the bank would be best option.

I did but the previous place I was has the same format for the Postal Code

I got this problem yesterday, but I figured out later that we need to add our postal code on the right after the CCV (on the extreme right line where you put your credit card)


You’re the boss! hahahaha so counter intuitive! Thank you, it works now :slight_smile:

Thanks for this. This was my problem too. I was entering my postcode in the other box, not the best UI design.

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Add 5 digit postal code. Append 0 as prefix if zip code is less than 5 digits. This solved my issue

unfortunately prefixing a 0 didn’t solve my problem, any other ideas (my card isn’t blocked as i just did another tx with it)

I came here to pay you respect.
How did you figure out of this?

same here!
Agree with the UX/UI. The request of the zip code at the right appears after filling the data so it gets tricky

I pay my respect to this answer did not see/think about it

Thanks! This is going to be an issue now that they changed the billing process. I wish Canadians could see your message.

Apple pay

Same problem!!!
But it appears to be with Apple Pay all the time, since I use no credit card.
What to do?! :woman_shrugging:

Check selected Country.
Maybe you have United Kingdom instead of US…

Alan Iverson here… adding apple cash circumvented this issue but still not as encripted as i would like. Please alow gift cards in the future