Reviewing your appeal - Trademarks

A week ago I added documents to my custom ChatGPT that I created for support of my products. When i tried to mark it as a live chat I was told it would have to go to review to have the use of trademarks approved.
It said it would take 3 days…
Am I to do anything else to get this approved as its still says Reviewing your appeal.
Thanks for your help !

As far as we know, there’s a huge backlog of these reviews in the queue, and OpenAI is working hard on getting through those.

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Thanks N2U. I must admit it has been almost impossible to navigate support for this issue. I don’t mind people being busy, its normal but to have zero feedback is frustrating. I still don’t know if I have to do something more. I have all the Trademark certificates to prove that I own them but I don’t know where to send them. I’m pretty excited to get this launched as it is a fantastic service and would help my small business compete with the larger ones.
Thanks again for the response… it means a lot to me

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Always happy to help, and I can understand the frustration, I’ve been there myself :laughing:

OpenAI should contact you if there’s anything they need from you, but as long as it’s just saying “Reviewing your appeal” there should be any problem, it just takes some time.

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Thanks again N2U,
My guess is if i click the cancel review so I can go back to edit the chat, then i go back in the queue.
I’ll stick it out… Just excited to get this chatGPT public. Its going to save me so much time supporting my customers.

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I would also just wait it out if I where you :laughing:

I don’t know how many of your costumers are ChatGPT plus subscribers, but they will need a subscription to use your GPT, have you thought about this?

Honestly no…
I was under the impression that I needed the subscription to create it but users could get access with free ChatGPT ?

That might be a thing in the future, but I’m only guessing at this point, right now everyone who wants to use GPT’s needs a plus subscription.

But you can use the assistants API to do exactly the same, and have the chatbot available on you site for all your costumers to use :wink:

Assistant’s API ? Is that part of Openai ?
I just like the way I can load all my technical manuals and bulletins etc and it becomes a self support chat channel.
I’ll google Assistants API now.

Yes the assistants API is part of OpenAI :laughing:

You can create an instant in the playground over here:

Had a quick look… it seems like i have to predict all the messages that a user would ask and then load them. The advantage with ChatGPT is that I just load all the documents and it will read the whatever the message is that is entered and then go off and find the answer in the documents. There is no work for me apart form maybe adding custom additions to the answers to teach it.

You don’t have to predict what user’s are going to ask, the playground is just a place that lets you toy around with the AI while you’re creating it :laughing:

PS: the assistants API can hold a lot more documents than GPTs.

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Thankyou so much for this help… let me play around with assistant… maybe this is a better solution. Appreciate the guidance !


Always happy to bring a new developer into the family :laughing:

There’s a quick start guide here if you need it:

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It looks like it is a paid tier thing based on usage?
So once i pay the tier up front then users don’t have to pay or do I pay for them also per message or something?
This looks like it could work out really expensive for me

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Yes, you pay on behalf of your users, but the most expensive models model’s are still fairly cheap, GPT-4-turbo is $10/million tokens :laughing:

Be careful not to disorient new users, the “fairly cheap” API cost can pile up to $10 million quickly if you’re not aware of how it works. Not to mention the API leaks. Just as a word of caution, you will have to pay for everything, including testing your code and implementing it to the user. If your user find a way to your ‘firebase’ or to your API key and very smart, you’ll be billed on behalf of your users :slight_smile: :crazy_face:

Thanks John

I dont see this as a viable solution for me. I think most of my customers woukd be okay paying the $20 a month for plus. I am still nkt sure if that is correct though. If they have to be a plus subsciprion to use my ChatGPT.
Anyways… i still think ChatGPT is easier for me to manage and it aeems to work better.
Thaanks again for your guidance.

I’m not the one disorienting new user’s, I’ve told them the exact price listed on the website, and that’s also what is billed.

To create a bill of 10 million dollars you would need to generate 1 trillion tokens, or about 4 billion standard pages of text.

OpenAI is not responsible for people leaking their API key due to bad practice, if you want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you, I’ll recommend reading the following:

How do i escalate this appeal…?
I really want to get this GPT active and live
Please help me