Post-Reinstatement: Modal Preventing GPT Edits and Sharing

After being reinstated in the GPT store following an appeal, I am encountering an issue with the GPT editor.

Despite receiving confirmation of reinstatement via email, the editor UI still displays a modal indicating “Reviewing your appeal.” This modal prevents me from updating my GPT. There is an option to “cancel appeal,” but I am hesitant to use it for fear of being removed again due to a potential bug.

Steps to reproduce:

Submit an appeal for reinstatement in the GPT store.

After receiving the reinstatement notification via email, attempt to edit your GPT in the editor UI.

Observe the modal message indicating “Reviewing your appeal.”

Expected result:

The GPT editor should allow you to update and share your GPT normally after reinstatement.

Actual result:

The modal message “Reviewing your appeal” persists, and the editor does not allow updates or sharing of the GPT. The “cancel appeal” button is visible but not pressed.

Additional information:

Browser: Chrome
OS: MacBook Pro

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