My Chat GPT project disappeared suddenly

I had a project about stg and this morning I cant find it, it is gone.
When I try to go to one of chats url in my project from browser history I get Gpt inaccesiable or not found error? Does anyone face this before? How can I recover this


Same problem here. I’ve been working on a project for days with a Plus account, now it just disappeared. If it’s related to the renewal of the account it should at least warn the user. I lost a lot of work and looks like there’s no way to find it.

Can someone please help?


I failed to retrieve my project, I hope you can retrieve yours :slight_smile:

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Thank you, but I fear the worst…

I’m having the same issue My project folder just (POOF!) vanished I really need to get that data back, and I’m at my wits end about it.

Oh oh…
Since this morning my project folder is also missing. And I just recently moved a lot of older Chats into this folder. Like work for a whole year…

Thats not the first time, that some of my Chats had vanished, but that were only single chats…

Now its a whole new level of bullshit!

Man, OpenAI, please fix that!!

Came back from vacation, the folder was gone. Than this week it just magically reappear, than today it’s gone again. Very annoying to have information just vanish.

Did anybody having success with restoring the folder?
I texted open ai customer service several times, but my messages with them arent saved, so I have to start all over again each time. And they respond by asking for several infos about the problem, but then never reply back…

Mine disappeared also. Is this a glicth that recorrects it self?

Just got hit with this same issue…