My Account has been deactivated while no reply for my feedbacks

Dear OpenAI Team,

I have received the email at 3 Feb 2024. that mentioned me “Access terminated” as following

Hi there,

We have determined that you or a member of your organization are using the OpenAI API in ways that violate our policies.

Due to this breach we are halting access to the API immediately for the organization Personal. Common reasons for breach include violations of our usage policies or accessing the API from an unsupported location. You may also wish to review our Terms of Use.

If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact us through our help center. We will review appeals as soon as possible and will contact you if we reinstate access to the API.

The OpenAI team

And I requested to reactivate my account through the Help Center Bot and provided the details about my account. Here is the conversation screenshot.
While there is no reply to me in the conversation or any feedback email. I didn’t know whether OpenAI team has received the feedback now? If received, please reply to me as soon as it possible. It is so important to me :slight_smile:

I have been using this account for over a year. I haven’t violated any OpenAI policies before. My account’s activities are always legal and normal.
According to the email. My API key seem to violate the policies. while I couldn’t login my account and find which API Key and what’s wrong with my API Key.

I hardly ever used my API Key. and meantime I don’t know which API Key has violated the policies. I guessed that my API Key may be stolen by other peoples or hackers to use in any other apps or locations which OpenAI not supported or allowed.

And I wish any member could help me to reactivate the account please… I could investigate which API Key and what behavior was not compliant. I will revoke it in order to avoid violating the policies again.

In the meantime, my account’s data was so important to me. I wish it would not be deleted. Please provide a way for me to export the data when I cannot login to my account. I have been using the ChatGPT for a year. There are some meaningful and helpful conversations for my work and life. I wish to backup the data for my own.

Is there anyone could help me figure it out? I have no idea what’s wrong with my account. and I am willing to need someone to help me reactivate my account in order to get my conversation data exported. Please help me :frowning:

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Does anyone could help me figure it out? I need someone to help me to download the conversation data from my deactivated account. I have submited some feedbacks to bot. While got nothing meaningful to me. Looking forward to replies.

I don’t think anyone on this forum can help you. Wait for a reply from support it may take some time as they deal with a large volume of requests.

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Thanks lachie1, I am looking forward to reply so eagerly. I have been using the ChatGPT for 1 years. The ChatGPT was deeply integrated with my daily workflow, without ChatGPT my work has been affected a lot.
and the conversation data was so important to me. This account was only used in personal not for any commercial purpose. Could anyone tech me how to download the conversation data when it has been banned.
According to the term of service. I thought that I still have right to download my own conversation data?
I am just curious about that how long would a account-deactivated event has been fully processed. I have been waiting for days. and i wish someone in OpenAI could help me to connect the member who was in charge of my account to accelerate the process please :frowning:
I need someone’s help. I always think OpenAI Team was the best AI team in the world.

Is your problem solved, My chatgpt account and platform.openai account also have been banned. My problem wasn’t solved, I had to sign up for a new account, but I still had a balance in my old account. :joy:

I have received any updates since the bot reply they will investigate further. I guessed it won’t be resolved or reactivated again. While I have sign up a new account to use it. My credit card’s subscription also be canceled. The experiences was so bad. I also write a email for request for reactivating my account. while got nothing replies.
It suggested that OneKey\Depay or any other Virtual credit cards won’t be allowed to pay for the subscription. So should be cautious for that :slight_smile:

It’s so terrible that all my last year’s conversation data were lost due to the account deactivation. I am looking forward to a new way to export the data to backup. If you have reactivate your account or find the way to export the conversation data. Please tell me Thanks.

@lachie1 It last for several weeks. I haven’t received any meaningful replies from OpenAI Team. Could you help me to call out the customer service team. to figure it out what’s wrong with my deactivated account. and could it be reactivated? I am looking forward to it so eagerly.