Issues Uploading PDF and Word Files in ChatGPT-4 (PROBLEM SOLVED GUYS RIGH NOW)

I am a Plus member and I am experiencing issues when trying to upload PDF and Word files in ChatGPT-4. I have tried clearing my browser cache, switching browsers, and restarting my account, but the problem persists. Is anyone else facing this issue or knows how to fix it?


I am facing the same issue. I also saw one other person today having the same issue. The problem persists on both my desktop and phone. Not sure if it’s on their side and we just have to wait.

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If it’s still not working for me, as you say, we’ll have to wait. There’s no other option; I’ve already done everything possible from my PC

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Ive been facing the same issue, but image upload works except for pdf and word, i have tried different sizes,

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Yes, images work for me too, but PDF and Word files, which I could upload without problems before, now give me an error.

You all are not alone! I am facing the same problem too. It’s happening for me only on my Team plan account. When I switch to my personal workspace, it seems to solve the problem. Given all my GPTs are on my team plan account though, it’s very frustrating!

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Thank you very much for the response, Joe6. If you happen to know of a solution or it gets resolved, please let us know here. I will let you know here if I find out anything or if it gets resolved on its own. Thank you very much, and I hope it gets resolved quickly.

This isn’t a solution to the uploading problem, but what you can do is to compress the file or zip it, and it should upload fine. However, testing it out, sometimes it seems to be able to read the file, sometimes it has a hard time. But at least the upload works.

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Putting it in a zip worked for me, compressing it didn’t. Thank you very much, brother. Until it’s resolved, I’ll upload it in a zip. Anyway, if you know anything, let me know. If I find a solution or if it’s resolved, I’ll inform you here!

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I’m still having errors, but another way to get around this (if you’re a plus user I think) is to go to Create GPTs and upload your pdf there. It seems to accept it there for some reason and it will respond to your prompts. I haven’t really explored this option so I don’t know what the draw backs are except for that it won’t save your conversation I think. So if you just want a quick analysis of your file and you don’t plan on looking at it once you have what you’re looking for, then it’s an easy way without doing anything else.

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Thank you very much, brother, it works for me that way. I hope they fix it quickly anyway. Any news I find out, I’ll share here. You guys are geniuses, thank you very much.

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mine still doesnt work, ive tried contacting the support but all they suggest is checking vpn, clearing cookies and cache of the browser. It isnt a browser or computer issuse as i can upload files from another chatgpt plus account in the same computer, with the same browser settings. The account seems to be an issue. Zip files work but prompts dont respond the same as other documents.

I tried contacting support as well - they just gave generic response similar to yours. This isn’t a solution, but use create GTP and upload your files there and have your prompts be made there. It won’t be saved, but it does upload and respond as good as it normally does.

I think this is an account issue. The only thing I can think of is that I went passed my usage limit of 10gb, but that’s highly unlikely. At the very least more and more people are experiencing problems with their files, so hopefully they’ll start working on it.

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I have the same issue now; I hope OpenAI can fix it soon.

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Same here with the same issues since yesterday

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Same for me. Neither works on deskrop nor an any app. It worked beautifully a couple days ago.

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There are users who use compressed files to bypass this problem, but chatgpt decompression for reading multi-page PDFs is much less effective than in the past.
I suggest that if there is a need to upload papers and other needs, the use of custom GPT, and upload PDF files to the knowledge base can be effective in allowing GPT to read PDF files!

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Still not fixed after 4 days, customer support not replying i dont think people are working on this issues?


On top of that, when you talk to technical support, they give you generic responses…


I’m facing the same issue for the past 4 days in my account that is subscribed to ChatGPT Plus. But surprisingly, in my other account that is a free user, uploading files works

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