Installing error accessing plugins in ChatGPT Plus

I subscribed to ChatGPT Plus though still do not install my plugin like following photo.

I had already tried to clear my displayed data and changed web browser such as safari and chrome. However , I still cannot fix this problem.

Could anyone help me?


I’m also experiencing the same issue.

Plugins in ChatGPT is currently broken it seems

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Update: I can install and use plugins now. It was perhaps a problem on OpenAI’s side

I also have the same problem. I’ve just become a Plus user today

I fix this problem now. It was a temporarily problem.

J’ai un soucis, quand je télécharge des plugin certains se lancent direct et fonctionne mais quand ça en est un qui redirige sur une autre page pour se connecter et autoriser. quand je fais autoriser, ça revient sur chatgpt mais me met un message orange qui dit : couldn’t log in with plugin
Quelqu’un sait pk?