I don't have access to the ChatGPT Developer Plugin options

I am writing to express a difficulty I have been experiencing with accessing the OpenAI plugins. Despite my Plus subscription, it appears I am unable to use this feature, which is a crucial aspect of my work with your services.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could look into this issue and help resolve it at the earliest convenience. If there are any region-specific restrictions or other potential reasons that might be causing this, I would like to be informed about them.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I am looking forward to a prompt resolution so I can continue making the most of the OpenAI platform.

Welcome to the forum!

After you have applied to the Plugin Waitlist for developer access it will take time to be approved, they are done in batches so you may be waiting several weeks to months for approval.


Welcome to the forum!

Just want to clarify something. @Foxalabs gave a good response if you are seeking developer options but if you are not then AFAIK you should have access to the ChatGPT plugin store for being a ChatGPT Plus subscriber. Can you clarify if you do or do not need developer options.


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Good catch! Yes, if it’s the Plugins you are missing then that can be the result of your browser, if you usually use chrome, try Firefox. Some extension can cause the plugin system not to show.

Also you should check that you have enabled plugins by selecting the … 3 dots next to your email address in the bottom left of the ChatGPT site, then Settings & Beta and then enable Beta Features.


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I have already applied to the plugin waitlist and waiting for access, but I also came across the following link, which shows a plugin submission bot.

If we do not have developer access after getting approved from the waitlist, can we still submit a plugin through the bot? There is nothing that stops us from doing so. Or will it get rejected later on after it sees that our email is not approved from the waitlist?


Interesting question, I don’t know the answer, you could try. I would seem difficult to debug and test your Plugin without developer access, but if you manage it, give it a go.

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That is the main concern I have, you cannot test it without it.

But I have submitted a ticket, let’s see what happens.