Simple plugin question: Do I already have access, or is it still "rolling out?"

This message: “ChatGPT Plugins will now be available to all ChatGPT plus subscribers, no waitlist required!” is confusing to me. I’m going to chat.openai, and the Model Picker only has 3.5 and 4 as options - no “plugins.” Do I need to apply for access? Is access in the process of being rolled out and I just don’t have access yet?

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Settings in lower left, Beta Features, enable Plugins


How strange. Now I have plugin access, but I can’t develop my own - the docs say “navigate to the plugin store and select “Develop your own plugin”” in the Running a plugin portion, but that option isn’t available to me:


I have the same problem. Current theory is that I joined the waitlist on Saturday and it is not added until Monday.

Hey @
- I am not sure why I don’t have access. I have a GPT4 subscription. Thank you for the the help :slight_smile:

ChatGPT’s Plus membership is not the same as the GPT-4 API, the API requires a payment method to be setup here

and you must of received at least 1 API bill to get GPT-4 API access this week, if you have not then you will receive it by the end of the month.

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I now have access to both the plugin store and the Develop your own plugin option - thanks to all who answered!


Does any one know how much time they take to give access to ChatGPT plugins development, even do I am the only one I want to use the plugins I do?

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