How to contact customer support

The information on is not in compliance with current EU law, let’s get this fixed before it becomes an issue. I have pasted the relevant law text below

Article 6 of the European consumer rights directive:

  1. Before the consumer is bound by a distance or off-premises contract, or any corresponding offer, the trader shall provide the consumer with the following information in a clear and comprehensible manner:

[OpenAI complies with section a & b]

(c) the geographical address at which the trader is established as well as the trader’s telephone number and email address; in addition, where the trader provides other means of online communication which guarantee that the consumer can keep any written correspondence, including the date and time of such correspondence, with the trader on a durable medium, the information shall also include details of those other means; all those means of communication provided by the trader shall enable the consumer to contact the trader quickly and communicate with him efficiently; where applicable, the trader shall also provide the geographical address and identity of the trader on whose behalf he is acting;

Link to legal text:

Let’s have a look at:

There are two ways to contact our support team, depending on whether you have an account with us.
If you already have an account, simply login and use the “Help” button to start a conversation.
If you don’t have an account or can’t login, you can still reach us by selecting the chat bubble icon in the bottom right of

This page is legally required to contain an address, phone number, and an email adress to support. It has none of these and there is no way of downloading conversations with the bot/support, breaking the “durable medium” requirement.


That’s an interesting post.
I never thought of that although I know OpenAI is in California.

Their address is displayed somewhere but you have to look it up.

You could add EU laws and privacy. Suppose somebody enters personal information and that it goes into the training of a model. Then the model is released on the market but the person asks OpenAI to delete the information or even copyrights. Even better. EU law requires XAI for any automatic system It’s time to start a legal AI consulting firm! :joy::blush:

This goes back to a previous exchange we had.
OpenAI is moving ahead so fast they’re struggling with scaling and legal issues.

For me this is part of the disruptive approach of OpenAI. I think that they will invest in this sooner than later. :blush::wink:

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Thank you!

Im happy I can get some emotional support from the community when costumer support is not available :rofl:

I think OpenAI could easily fix these issues, by just adding the information to the site, the “durable media” requirement can be fulfilled by just sending the entire conversation as email to the user once the conversation has ended.

the question of privacy has already been clarified in the terms of service, but the information is not easy to find. It would be really easy to just copy paste the phrase “OpenAI does not use user or API data to train it’s models, you can opt in here (link)” to the footer of chatGPT and the API playground.


The link that I posted for the current EU law is just a baseline, individual member states may have strickter law’s.

Both Sweden’s “Konsumentköplagen” (Consumer Sales Act) and the “Distansavtalslagen” (Distance Contracts Act) and France’s “Code de la consommation” (Consumer Code) is known for applying large fines or even blocking access in these situations. Italy has already done this.

What initially inspired me to look into this was my own experience with costumer support:

Im chatGPT+ subscriber and I signed up for GPT-4 API access on day 1, I signed up for the waitlist for both plugin access and plugin dev access only hours after the announcement. I only received a single “you’re on the waitlist” email, and have not been accepted for anything yet.

Despite contrary statements by OpenAI I can only conclude that there’s zero priority given to paying customers and early supporters.

There’s no email adress to costumer support on OpenAI’s website, I tried contacting them through their help-chatbot and was told to wait for the team to respond, I’ve waited 20 days now and haven’t received a single human response.

In the last few months OpenAI has seen a huge influx of new user’s, so has this forum and while I’m super happy to see our community growing it’s unfortunate that so many of them are seeking costumer support, this forum is supposed to foster technical discussions and collaboration. Not act as the overflow for


Might have spoken to quickly when I said this:

Today I found out that Germany, Ireland and France are currently investigating OpenAI and Germany may ban chatGPT:

Seem’s like specific “AI laws” are coming just around the corner, I think the EU is heading in the right direction, we can only hope the situation is resolved quickly.

“No matter which tech we use, we have to continue to advance our freedoms and protect our rights,”… “That’s why we don’t regulate AI technologies, we regulate the uses of AI. Let’s not throw away in a few years what has taken decades to build” – European Commission Executive Vice President, Margrethe Vestager. Source:

I get the feeling that everyone who are currently developing anything with the API should probably hire a team of lawyers if their project is even remotely related to the fields: Healthcare, Finance, Law Enforcement, Elections & Voting, National Security, Undergraduate Education or Legal Services.

Personally I’d rather just stay away from these applications.

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