Help! Trouble getting our rate limit increased

Hi, we are hitting rate limits regularly, we currently are spending over $1600 a month and the only thing holding us back on expansion is the rate limit. We have been submitted the form for increased rates every 2 weeks for close to 2 months now and heard nothing. Has anyone else had this or have ideas? I am thinking of building out a cross account round robin to get around it but it would be cleaner if I could just get my rate increased. I am kind of at a loss.

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Many similar reports of unresponsiveness.

I haven’t noted examples of “your request was denied” being posted anywhere - they might be simply understood and not complained about, though.

Your next step for accelerating a single application is to apply for and move over to Microsoft Azure for OpenAI enterprise services, requiring a request for access.

Hi and welcome to the developer forum!

Unfortunately, rate and usage limits increases are not handled by the technical support forum, you will need to use the rate limit request form found here OpenAI API Rate Limit Increase Request

Which is exactly what we are told to do to request such an increase. Messages to the assistant indicating need for OpenAI employee support might not go to the right team, but you can at least ask what’s happening.

I’m in the same boat as you are. My monthly spend with Open Ai puts me at their “Tier 4” but I still haven’t been able to get an increase. Hopefully they can get on top of it soon. My implementation is live and this issue is messing with my ability to scale.

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