“ERROR UNINSTALLING (plugin name)” with unverified plugin

I’m having an issue that I’ve seen another person have. When trying to uninstall an unverified plugin named Coupert it’s saying “error uninstalling Coupert.”
I just wonder if it’s safe or not to even use ChatGPT. Need guidance or help uninstalling please, thank you!


Same issue here. I cannot uninstall the unverified plugins

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In my case, this error appears when uninstalling the ChatWithGPT plugin.

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Plug-ins switch to “unverified” when the developer submits an update to some of the meta data - so there’s no need to uninstall.

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Thanks, but there is something to worry about because all other plugins are unusable at this time. Temporary, is days now.

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Did your problem get solved? Because same issue here. Always getting “Error communicating with plugin service. Please try again later.”

No luck my friend. I have a couple of plugins with “Error uninstalling” message.

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