"Error saving GPT" persistent error message when saving

Regardless of size and number I am always receiving this error when saving a GPT which contains a valid JSON file.

In the browser console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

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I found a workaround to this issue, hopefully it continues to work!

Basically, I noticed an undo option when I hover over the ā€˜unpublished changesā€™ā€¦ I copied my instructions and clicked undo, I then added back my updated instructions and was able to publish.


Thank you! It worked for me as well! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, this worked for me as well. The revert button brings it back to prior state, then you can paste/update configuration and saved!

there should be a bug around it, at least in my case
(API error https:// chat.openai. com/backend-api/gizmos/g-G1qYY7zRb No config for gizmo _app-c7bb6e9c1471fff7.js:26:2798792
NextJS 7)

I have the same issue, orange error, ā€œError Savingā€, Feb 7th 24

Having same issue. reverting to previous state helped me once but not with second update.

with good intentions, @logankilpatrick I continue having this error itā€™s closed here Error saving draft when building a new GPT - GPT builders / Plugins / Actions builders - OpenAI Developer Forum, this is my error screen sadly


Now I will proceed with feedback to make work easier and solve this asap:
I can edit some, but when I edit 4, or 5, it shows me this error, the thing is that there is an auto save which sometimes is a bit annoying cause itā€™s making on time changes, would be great to have a small delay, or adjust this on dev mode.

Good luck, and by the way, amazing work! We all love OpenAI platform! My supports

POST https://chat.openai.com/backend-api/gizmos/g-XXXXXXXX/promote 504 (Gateway Timeout)
_app-0afc1c00c7d91cd1.js:26  FatalServerError: Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.

I also encountered this issue and solve it using following steps:

  1. Turn off or remove all the extensions in chrome or use other browser instead
  2. Check the uploaded file in GPTs is valid or not (my previous upload says ā€œUnable to extract text from ā€¦ā€, so I split the file, then the alert disappears)
  3. Save and done

hope this helps

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