Embedding AI in VR and letting it control some things

Currently working on implementing a chatGPT powered entity in my VR app. Thought this might be a nice discussion thread. Basically, I am trying to see how I can standardize and wrap responses from gpt so as to create presentations in a virtual environment. I have it talking, and I can talk to it. Regarding consistency, don’t expect it to give you valid hyperlinks. Right now, I am angling toward letting it format its responses in html, because it seems to correctly embed valid images. Honestly, I simply thought I saw a star in the distance and pointed the ship in that direction. I don’t know yet if what I imagine will actually be possible. My overall estimate of its “intelligence” has dropped by an order of magnitude in a matter of days. It talks a good game, but does not seem to know how, or is not allowed to, organize and standardize complex tasks.

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