Email receipts to billing email address

Please send email invoice email!

honestly can’t believe this feature doesn’t exist yet for a company that’s making everyone’s work easier :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Its really ^not rocket science for a SaaS to be able to email an invoice.

I just cancelled my paid subscription because of it.

Going to build my own on Ollama and on old PC.

+1 fix this please. With Stripe its easy to integrate

How on earth does this basic feature not exist yet?

Just realized I have 6 months of unaccounted OpenAI invoices to account for. It’s absurd this requires manual log in rather than them coming to your inbox like 99% of other online subscriptions.

Fix this please.

+1 Please enable invoices via email!!

Its clear that OpenAI do not want people reminded of their subscriptions via an email every month. Some would say that this is because if you remind people that they have a service (and they have not used it) they are more likely to cancel it (and therefore reduction in revenue). There has to be some legal reason why OpenAI has to offer transmit of invoices rather than logging into a portal (for which they keep altering the UI to make it even more difficult).

+1 please make this feature

+1 please! We need this, annoying to go trough the billing part of the site every time

+1 definitely need this to happen.

+1 need this and typing to make the 25 limit

+1 plase do this. Exporting the invoice manually sucks.

Really need this simple feature!!

+1 definitely… please add this!

+10000000 Please…! We all need this!

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+1 Please make a billing e-mail-address available for the “ChatGPT Teams” tier.

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The lack of support for this is lowering the productivity of CEO/CIO/CTOs everywhere

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+1 Really need this simple feature!!

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I totally do not understand why a business application provider does not send invoices per email. Invoice attachments per email are very, very simple to automate. Much better as having the need of manually download the invoice somewhere in a **** sales backend. Please provide a solution to get invoice per email fast.

I you need help on coding such a simple feature, ask chatGpt for help. :slight_smile:

Is this desperately needed functionality already planned? So I can inform my financial department that this issue will be solved at a certain date? Thx in advance…