Custom GPT not accessible to FREE accounts ?!

Using a shared link, a Free user is asked to upgrade to Plus or Team by chatgpt in order to give access to my custom GPT.


  • for a free user logged in chatgpt, this new step is displayed when tried to navigate to the custom GPT’ link.

Why that ?
The chatgpt allows Free user to access custom GPTs, why is not happens in reality ?
Tested from different browsers, environments, cache issues eliminated… no results. Tested including Incognito.


Yes, but they can’t access Custom GPTs that use DALL-E and they need to be signed in.

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Dall-e is unchecked.


Tried also with Web Browsing unchecked. No success.


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Your screen capture says to sign up or log in to chat. I think they still need to sign into their free account to gain access. (?)

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Actually, the user is already logged… see the full page printscreen.

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You can see below of each custom GPT:
‘Interaction with this GPT is not allowed’

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From days, chatgpt support is sleeping deeply… no solution from them! Provided video, screenshots! What’s more to say… a very encouranging way for the developers looking to create GPTs for their customers !

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OpenAI is transparent about the fact that free accounts come with some constraints as regards custom GPTs:


As regards the point on DALL-E made above, my interpretation of it is that it does not so much depend on whether you have enabled DALL-E on your end but rather whether the custom GPT itself has that option enabled as part of its configuration.


I’ve developed the custom GPT… so I already know what’s enabled or not.

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Apologies for my misunderstanding.

I am currently not in a location where I can use ChatGPT without sign-in. But generally speaking, as has been pointed out by another user above, users can still gain free access to your custom GPT if they are signed in.

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The screenshot shows that the user is already logged-in… and, it has been asked for twice to log-in (right side of the screen), and when hits the button the page for upgrade to Plus and Team accounts is displayed. So, resuming, the user is already logged-in.

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No problem, appreciate that you’re trying to help.


It seems like you need to tick off Code Interpreter & Advanced Data Analysis too?

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Nope, only Dalle is forbidden for Free users.

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I’m seeing this too. Free user logged in, cannot access GPT. The same sign up button. From my paid account I can access it without issues. I tried disabling everything dall-e code interpreter etc but still the same error. On mobile it’s even more cryptic just a small alert that disappears quickly.

I thought there’s limitations for custom GPTs, not total lack of access? If that’s the case the language is misleading it should say free users cannot access custom GPTs.

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I’ve raised this bug to the chatgpt support team 7 days ago.

No answer.

Good ol’ free features become premium. If enough of us manage to spot this, get angry, and rebel, they might turn this around.

We’re guineea pigs to them… no receiving answer from GPT support even after 1 month, for reported bugs. if they continue to raise huge amount of money from investors, they depend of them, not us - who pay subscriptions monthly.

My custom GPT cannot be accessed by users, despite the fact that is should.

Reported that from days to GTP Support, but they don’t even respond to you, after a bot stupid message throughed to you.

Would y risk to invest time and effort to develop custom GPTs that chatgpt block out of any rationallity or reason? And with a support that doesn’t exist, actually, out of some bots ?

Is that happens to you as well ?

Agreed. Have reached out several times and support seems non-existent. And the issues are legitimate issues where it needs to be addressed by OpenAI. My issue is that if an account exists and you invite them to a workspace, the person you invite isn’t able to join your workspace.