ChatGPT saying Unknown Error Occurred for File Uploads

If you upload certain files (PDFs, PPTs, PPTX, CSV, etc.) it will show you this error.

It does not happen for all sorts of files, but 3 out of 5 pdf files are not uploaded, and as only certain files are uploaded, I can say easily that this is not an account issue or Limit finish issue. It has something to do with ChatGPT itself and it perceiving the files. Sometimes, creating the PDF again with Microsoft PDF Printer does help, sometimes, no matter what you do, it does not help at all.


Welcome to the forum it is a interesting place :rabbit::mouse::honeybee::heart::four_leaf_clover::cyclone::infinity::repeat:

It happens to me too, it is network or server time out issues.

I just upload again.

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this is so common its hilarious. I get it ever so often for hours at a time. I love paying over 20 bucks a month for this many errors lmao.

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Is it really Network issue? Because sometimes uploading the same document even after 10 times does not work but recreating it with Microsoft PDF Printer works.

Xd. Can’t even complain right? It seems in near future they are going to restrict us more and more, and when it comes to payment, well you gotta pay more and more.

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I never ran into this until today. Is there any solution or known cause?

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I moved you to community tag, API is a different system than ChatGPT. I wish you all luck :four_leaf_clover: and welcome all new users :rabbit::infinity::heart:

[quote=“techdomain, post:1, topic:1079366, full:true”]
If you upload certain files (PDFs, PPTs, PPTX, CSV, etc.) it will show you this error.

It does not happen for all sorts of files, but 3 out of 5 pdf files are not uploaded, and as only certain files are uploaded, I can say easily that this is not an account issue or do with ChatGPT itself and it perceiving the files.

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