ChatGPT `Google Log in` is broken

chrome flag disabling QUIC protocol worked for me. But I’d pass on investing in this startup because they’re so lackadaisical about half their users being unable to login for weeks.

Nice find, works perfectly

Thank the powers that be for the helpers in this world. Works for me as well!

Also having the same issue! OpenAI need to do better, there’s no way this issue should have lasted as long as it has, particularly without comment from them.

This worked for me too! Thanks so much!

I had the same problem for days
Disabling it also worked here

Thanks for the solution – chrome://flags/#enable-quic

However, and sorry, but I’m not an IT guy. What is it doing? Am I exposing myself by disabling this… Just want to make sure one solution doesn’t cause another issue. Thanks

Thank you lewis3 and Profile - vladeto83 - OpenAI Developer Forum

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WOW! THANK YOU! I have tried everything.

I’m Facing the same issue.

Here’s my additional steps

  • Removing the Connected applications on Google Admin.


  1. Type in the address bar:
  2. Disable Experimental QUIC protocol
  3. Restart chrome and try to login again
    Thank you @lewis3 and @vladeto83 for this fix!

You are welcome! I’m happy that this solution solves the problem for so many users! :slightly_smiling_face:

Worked for me too. Will we ever need to reenable QUIC?


Amazing! Thanks for sharing. i created an account just to say thank you!

lewis3, thank you! If you ever come to New Zealand, look me up bro, I’ll shout you an nice ice cold Steinlager. Thanks mate!

haha, Thanks Patrick. Actually, I’m already here, I live in Kapiti, just out of Wellington.

Haha. Small world mate. Obviously Kiwi ingenuity was required with that one. I’ll requality my response. If you are ever up in Warkworth then give me shout. That Steinie offer is still open.

This worked perfectly - you’re an absolute weapon!

Works like a charm, thank you!

many many thanks! I was desperate, asnd this really works! Back on GPT! Thanks mate!!! :slight_smile: