Can't login because of infinite loading on auth0 openai

I logged in via Google authorisation and 2-step verification and got infinite loading on “auth0 openai com” page.

I’ve tried in different browsers, different computers. I’ve tried to clear cache|cookies|etc. Nothing helped me, every time I got infinite loading.

I’ve tried to use this link for login: “chat openai com auth login”
It helped and on the stuck page the site finally loaded :thinking:

But after five minutes infinite loading on page “chatgpt com” happened again.
I can’t use “chatgpt com” url because of infinite loading, only way is to use “chat openai com auth login”

Of course I will use “chat openai com auth login” instead but what happend with “chatgpt com”?

PS. Also why is it wrong to post openai links in the topic in question about links?

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The outage is “Resolved” but the problem for me and my colleague is still not solved.

Still the problem where it just keeps loading infinitely in multiple browsers on multiple devices. A different account does work but the google workspace account doesn’t seem to work. Not all my colleagues have this issue.

I don’t think that it’s related because I still have this problem

What the f*ck, yesterday there was a new outage about some people not beeing able to login. And today it has just been deleted and i still can’t login.

What kind of laughable service are we paying for at this point :rofl:. Me and multiple other users in our company are unable to login and use the service that is beeing payed for…

The URL to the incident is also just gone…
https:// /incidents/nysk3n85skgx (spaces so the forum doesn’t parse it.)

Is there really nobody from OpenAI that is willing to help?! Still me and a colleage are unable to login with an infinite loading screen…

Why are there 0 updates on this issue and am I just getting ignored?

Bonjour. J’ai exactement le même problème. Depuis quelques jours, impossible de me connecter à ChatGPT, quelque soit le navigateur ou l’ordinateur que j’utilise. Je suis sur un compte payant !!
A l’appel de chatgpt auth login rien ne se passe, la cherche à l’infini une connexion !!
Par contre avec ce même compte et via mon téléphone la connexion fonctionne bien
Une solution svp car c’est très bloquant pour moi, d’autant que je paye pour ce service !!

I’m facing the same issue for days. I can login on my phone app and through my work desktop, but I get the infinite loading screen after I try to login on my home PC. If I use the same wifi on my phone, I can still use the app. Also tried cleaning cache, changing browsers, changing wifi.

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Same case here. I sent a email to openai support but nothing yet.

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Same case here as U :smiling_face_with_tear:
I can login on my phone app and through my work desktop, but I get the infinite loading screen after I try to login on my home PC. If I use the same wifi on my phone, I can still use the app. Also tried cleaning cache, changing browsers, changing wifi.

Same here, this has been happening for days. Very infuriating. Works on everything but browser.

Any news on this? Also having the same problem. I try to log in my plus account and it just keeps loading the page.

I’m having the same issue.
My Plus Account doesn’t work on the PC but works fine on the phone app.
I’m using Google authentication, but immediately after logging in (and any time I access chatgpt domain), it remains in a pending state. If I delete the cookies for chatgpt domain, it resets me to an unauthenticated state without any problems.

Does anyone at OpenAI know the root cause or have a timeline for fixing this?
Is it really such a significant issue that it takes over a week to resolve?

The support engineer told me the solution
You should disable “Experimental QUIC protocol” in chrome://flags/
It worked for me.


Instructions to do this:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. In the URL address field, type chrome://flags and press Enter.
  3. In the “Search flags” field, type “quic” to filter the list of flags.
  4. Find the “Experimental QUIC protocol” flag and select “Disabled” from the drop-down menu next to it.
  5. Restart Google Chrome for the changes to take effect.

I try this but this is not working for me I am stuck at login auth0 screen its not moving to verifications code and not login in

This helped. Thanx. But why, at the first place this happened. Should have been taken care by developer.