Can't Login, anyone else having this problem?

Considering the major down the various OpenAI systems had a couple of hours ago I was wondering if this is connected to that or just to much traffic or something, tried to log in after coming back to the web page to find it telling me it had logged me out and I’m getting this message when I try and login again

We ran into an issue while signing you in, please take a break and try again soon.

figured it couldn’t hurt to ask here if it’s just me or not?


I encountered the same problem, unable to log in


The same problem, cannot login. See the polite advice to try later.

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Same. I cannot log in. It says “An error has occurred. Please try again later.” How others said it was fixed when I still cannot log in?

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Seems, it is solved. At least, for me personally.


Well, it’s let me long back in now, hopefully it was just a minor hickup


Just tried now and it works for me too