Error 403 after logging in


When I visit ChatGPT, I can use the service without being logged in.
When I log in, I get an endless loop of nothing happening, until I clear cookies and the cycle repeats.

Browser inspect says error 403.
I just logged into this community forum with the same 2FA and account, no issues. Has anyone else seen this?

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Yes, it is. It’s been happening to me too for a few days now and I just deleted all the data from the browser and it’s still the same as always. It’s a headache, because even if I change browser, it doesn’t allow me to log in.

I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one, and even though there is not much news, you will be aware of this problem. I will have to use an Android Emulator and chat with GPT from the mobile… how annoying.

Best regards,

Still haven’t found a solution either…

Good morning from Europe.

I just got it fixed automatically after turning on the computer. I went to the usual page and I was logged in directly and correctly, something that I had not done for at least 5 days.

I haven’t seen any official communication about this problem and it is most likely that it has only been happening to people who logged out of their account in the browser or deleted the data/cookies to not be able to access again.

Anyway, I’m glad that the problem has been solved since there is no app for Windows as of today.

Best regards and I hope the problem is eliminated. Try deleting cookies/data, or reboot and login again with 2FA, maybe it is solved.

Att, Melin