Bad gateway on premium account logging with with Google Auth O

Hi All.
Same here.


open developer tools (F12 in most browsers).
Go to “application” tab.
Expand and delete the following items:

  • Local storage
  • Session storage
  • Cookies

register a new account using a different email OR the same gmail email adding a plus particle to make it different. For example, if you email is johndoe [AT] gmail [DOT] com, register the new account as johndoe+openai [AT] gmail [DOT] com.

As you probably know, Gmail catches all emails sent to these “foobar+something [AT] gmail [DOT] com” addresses, and redirects all of them to “foobar [AT] gmail [DOT] com”. OpenAI sees them as all different, though, and that’s the point.

You will have a temporary, operational free account at least.

Thats all I can come up with. If it helps you survive while they repair the issue, good. If not, I’m sorry but I cannot do anything for you.

Have a nice day,
Alex Amo


Strangely enough, I was able to create a new account and access GPT3.

Asked about the message and this is what I got:

What does this mean:

Bad gateway
The web server reported a bad gateway error.
Ray ID: xxxx
Your IP address: xxxx
Error reference number: 502
Cloudflare Location: San Jose

"This error message typically indicates that there is a communication problem between two servers, specifically between a web server and a proxy server. A “gateway” is a server that acts as an intermediary between two other servers, in this case, the client’s web browser and the web server hosting the website.

A “502 Bad Gateway” error occurs when the gateway server receives an invalid response from the upstream server, such as a web server, while trying to fulfill a request. This can happen for several reasons, including server overload, misconfigured servers, network connectivity issues, or server maintenance.

The Ray ID is a unique identifier assigned by the Cloudflare system that provides additional information to help diagnose the issue. Your IP address is also included in the error message to provide more context for troubleshooting purposes.

In this specific case, the Cloudflare location mentioned is San Jose, which indicates that the Cloudflare server responsible for handling the request is located in San Jose, California."

So this most likely means open AI is doing server maintenance that is affecting only paid members. Maybe they are transferring our accounts to new servers with more capacity and fixing bugs such as other users’ message titles showing up in their side bar that was mentioned yesterday.

A couple weeks ago when using GPT for work, I asked a question making reference to a text that I submitted earlier in the chat and it started bringing up information about a book that was not mine and obviously seemed to be from someone else’s chat ! :upside_down_face:

I’m thinking they’re ironing out some bugs and upgrading the servers to scale for the demand.

Some news would be nice…

Having the same issue this morning in Boston on a Plus account.

Bad gateway
The web server reported a bad gateway error.

Ray ID: ##########
Your IP address: ##########
Error reference number: 502
Cloudflare Location: Boston

You can also do this from a private tab, saves you from F12ing.
Also, you might be asked to verify a phone number either way.

Hi CoinSteam.

Of course you can do that but you would be forced to open incognito tab and sign in each and every single time. I hope you will now understand why I didn’t provide that simpler, but more inconvenient approach.

The total number of accounts that you can create per each mobile number is two, so most regular users won’t face issue you mention.


Yes this is all good. You can also create a new profile depending on the browser you’re using.

-About:profiles in url.
-Create New profile.
-Name it.
-Create desktop shortcut of browser
-Add -P “Name of Profile” in options / file path

Now you have a second profile that won’t require you to login everytime or log out of your other one when you close it.

Obviously more complicated but it’s nice to have back ups.

I guess I’ll repost my theory because the spambot used in the open Ai community does not use Ai and thought my post was spam as I mentioned the bad gateway message in my post.

But essentially, what I found out is only paid users are affected. I asked gpt3.5 what this message indicated, this was the answer:

"This error message typically indicates that there is a communication problem between two servers, specifically between a web server and a proxy server. A “gateway” is a server that acts as an intermediary between two other servers, in this case, the client’s web browser and the web server hosting the website.

A “502 Bad Gateway” error occurs when the gateway server receives an invalid response from the upstream server, such as a web server, while trying to fulfill a request. This can happen for several reasons, including server overload, misconfigured servers, network connectivity issues, or server maintenance.

The Ray ID is a unique identifier assigned by the Cloudflare system that provides additional information to help diagnose the issue. Your IP address is also included in the error message to provide more context for troubleshooting purposes.

In this specific case, the Cloudflare location mentioned is San Jose, which indicates that the Cloudflare server responsible for handling the request is located in San Jose, California."

Nothing new unfortunately.

So my guess is that they are ironing out some bugs and maybe moving paid users to upgraded servers.

A bug :bug: mentioned yesterday was that some users could see other user chat title in their sidebars! A couple weeks ago I myself ran into a privacy bug where after asking gpt3.5 to answer a question referencing a text previously mentioned in the chat, it went off about a book that was not mine and seemed to be referencing another user’s chat history.

So they have some ironing out to do and they’re probably scaling servers to meet demand. Let’s hope this outage is over soon. :pray:


It’s not only paid accounts. I have the same problem since this morning with a free account (in Germany). On mobile as well as on desktop btw.

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I have had the same problem since yesterday 3pm GMT - I am also a fee paying customer.

Ever since I have had the fee paying subscription I have also never been able to see my chat history…

I have tried emptying the cache, using a VPN, alternative login methods, contacted Open AI yesterday via there intercom, no response…

Great product, just wish it was working especially being a fee paying plus member.

Bad gateway

The web server reported a bad gateway error.

  • Ray ID:
  • Your IP address:
  • Error reference number:
  • Cloudflare Location:
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#freepalestine I think it’s because Tel Aviv is on stolen land.


Plus / Google SSO. Also having bad gateway. Meanwhile, over at OpenAI… :see_no_evil:

Resolved - We’ve fully restored ChatGPT service to all users. We’re continuing to work to restore past conversation history to users.

Yeah, that’s infuriating. I saw the “service restored” message and just about lost it when I still had a bad gateway error. Nothing fixes it.

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Still not able to login. Cleared Cache, and generally tried everything I can on my side. Is ChatGPT really back up?

Thanks for this.

What’s most frustrating here is that Open AI and their support platform aren’t acknowledging the issue, even saying all systems are operational. It would be great to have a message from them, a status check to see how they’re progressing with fixing this, but nothing. We are completely left on our own, having paid a premium fee for a service that we can’t access and use.

I hope they will at least give refunds or credits when this will be over - if ever.


Absolutely! It just feels like a slap in the face, especially when so many of impacted are on the paid service.


The fact they’re not even mentioning this is a big red flag. Paying for something you can’t use, I mean…


Guys I’m locked out of my account! Has anyone figured out the issue?! This is an issue with my premium and normal accounts

Same issue here. No visible progress or mention of issue. I can’t imagine google authenticated users are uncommon, this is a large issue.

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No not for me until now. Did you try a VPN?

Doesn’t work. Tried several different locations etc.

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