Why no one from openai answering my request to expand our api limit?

why no one from openai answering my request to expand our api limit?
it has been over 10 days… our app and company operation depends on it…
our limit now is 15k$ per month we want to extend to 60k$ help please

If you’re blowing through the $15,000/month you should get bumped up to a $50,000/month limit as soon as it has been 30-days since your first successful payment.

They probably won’t bump it up past that until you’ve had at least a few months at $50,000.

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i dont have this usage tier… i am on tier 5… but my limit is 15k … i have been using there api for over 3 years… and never had any problem with payments… can u help please?

I suspect that the system is automated. You get plunked in the “deny” pile with no means of receiving a message if your request is out of the limits of increases they will grant.

Same here, despite what the tier guidelines say:


I would submit the default doubling of the rate limit and see if that goes through for you.