Why does my chat GPT stop counting at 700+ views

A custom chat GPT I built has 700+ views, but I wonder why it stops calculating at 700. I asked chat GPT and there can be various reasons for this. It can be just around 700, but it can also be the limit of exposure in the settings of the provider (which settings?) so the number of views can be way more. A suggestion was to contact the provider, but the chatbot refers to this place. Does anyone here maybe know more about this?

700+ means that the total usage your GPT has is between 700 and 799. Once it hits 800, it will display as 800+.

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Today , total usage your GPT has GONE .
Why ?

There is an ongoing discussion here.

I’m starting to think this was a decision made by OpenAI.

And if that’s the case, I find it terrible and senseless. It makes us lose interest in creating custom GPTs for the public because we can’t tell if they are being viewed.

Same here! And I agree, if it is a new policy I would loose all interest in creating. This was the only fun part :slight_smile:

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I totally agree.
The view count was even a reference for us to know what needed improvement in the GPT.

Seems it was a bug
It is back

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