There is a large Strawberry in the Shire, and we’re not allowed to reason why!
It is through reasoned process that we understand and remember. Take those steps away, take away the process, and the fabric of our society is unravelled.
Why do we have to give up REASON?
" OpenAI is reluctant to let users see inside the box. “We have decided,” it says, “not to show the raw chains of thought to users. We acknowledge this decision has disadvantages. We strive to partially make up for it by teaching the model to reproduce any useful ideas from the chain of thought in the answer.”"
Does Reason not evolve into Purpose in our lives?
How many times have you done something and then just stopped, because you realized that the next step in that process was the wrong one to take? Not for the defined task but for a greater one.
Does no-one get that due to Shannon’s law of entropy every decision made on your behalf is another vector change away from your perspective, collectively OUR perspective… One step away from rational thought!
How many decisions away is that balance? How many vector changes must you jump ahead… but more, now with systems like Strawberry, how many skipped steps?
Does our humanity not shift a little with each skipped step?
Whether a data entry clerk or a programmer, we all go through processes, over and over, this is learned… I dare say it is character building
I have taught my son to code… As time has passed, I also bear the weight of paths not taken. I believe I made the right decision… But I made that decision and reviewed it in every perspective from that point!
How does Strawberry account for the passing of time? Does perspective and not alter reason in an ever changing world? Do we have to wait for the next model to take our next step, to think our next thoughts? It would appear we do.
Strawberry has a thought still on a prompt, it reviews ONLY from the defined perspective and when users selectively share memories it makes decisions on ever weaker data. As perspectives change that prompt likely will not.