Virus Detected - Data Export Chat-GPT Problems

Hey Community,
Recently i have requested for my data and have recieved a mail from Chat GPT, so i opened it and click the download link, my browser guard marked it as malicious. The download also stopped as chrome detected a virus. Has this been happening to anyone else too?

When i try to still download it, this happens:

I hope the dev community will look into this.

I’m having the same issue. When I try to download my export, it tells me a virus is detected.

I am facing a similar issue. When I try to download my data export, I get a virus detected message.

Same issue here too.
When I try to download my export, it tells me a virus has been detected.

I requested a data export and uploaded the zip archive to

This includes McAfee.
It’s safe to assume that this is not an issue with the file containing the data export.
You can try this yourself. It’s free but mind the privacy implications.

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This URL pertains to the use of Azure Storage’s BLOB service. OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft, also utilizes Azure as its data center.
So, this URL is used to export data via Azure Storage’s Binary Large Object (BLOB) service.

For detailed information:
The segment ‘proddatamgmtqueue’ serves as a unique identifier for the storage account and is a name assigned by OpenAI.
The part ‘’ signifies the use of Azure Storage’s BLOB service. Following that, “exportcontainer” indicates the name of the BLOB container. The section after “se=” specifies the expiration date for downloading the data.
“sp=r” denotes read-only access permission, and “sv=” represents the version of the Azure Storage service. “sr=b” indicates referencing the Blob storage. The section after “sig=” acts like a password, restricting access only to the intended recipient of the email.

OpenAI provides users with URLs for accessing exported data using Microsoft Azure’s BLOB service.

The important point is that such links are commonly used by various organizations and individuals, and the warning you received from McAfee’s service is not a specific security risk related to OpenAI, but rather a general warning.

I hope this explanation helps to allay your concerns🙂

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It does allay my concern BUT I cannot even get to the file. Firefox immdeately removes the file and chrome won’t even try to open it. What now??

I’m having the same issue. How do I get to my data export? It’s automatically flagged as a virus and cannot be opened.

6 months later and I’m still experiencing this. Has anyone found a direct resolution?

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