User has Team subscription but don't have API quota available

Hello community, first time poster here.

A client of mine is using ChatGPT 4 and has a Team subscription tied to the account “”.

Now, here wants to use her API Key but a message says: “you don’t have available quota”. So, we go to her Billing page and there we see:

$0 balance

and also a “P” next to her account meaning, I think, that she has a personal account (but she has a Team subscription).

Is it possible to have a personal account with “$0” balance and a Teams account both tied to “” ? How can she use her API key with her Teams account ?

A Teams account is entirely unrelated to the API, they are separate products. A Teams account shows someone to use ChatGPT, to use the API the user must prepay funds.


Thank you so much @elm !

This client is currently paying 60 USD per month for two seats. So, the client doesn’t have any tokens available to use the API for that price, right ?

The client must prepay funds in addition to that monthly price, right ?

The client wants to use ChatGPT Alfred Mac app workflow. For that, she must enter the API key.

Yes, they are separate products.

E.g. no matter how much I pay for Netflix, it doesn’t entitle me to see a movie at the cinema.

Thank you so much for your knowledge !

So, the information I read on the Internet was incorrect. Said that teams included some API tokens.

Are there any monthly plans where the user can have X amount of API tokens per month ?


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